
作者:TCM  于 2010-10-28 10:32 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村

















其实要防止这样的事情发生真的很简单,那就是务必在喝饮料前要将饮料罐的上半部彻底清洁。因为这些饮料罐基本上在出货前都是堆在仓库中, 之後是直接运送至大卖场,超市,根本没做任何清洁动作。

美国纽约哥伦布大学研究显示,所有易开罐饮料上面的细菌比公厕马桶的细菌还多。因此, 请记得喝饮料前务必用清水将罐子洗乾净,特别要嘱咐孩子也要这样做,我的秘诀是让孩子和你一起看这则信息。这样才可避免类似的意外发生!!!!


This incident happened recently in North Texas .
A woman went boating one Sunday taking with her some cans of coke
which she put into the refrigerator of the boat.
On Monday she was taken to the hospital and placed in the Intensive Care Unit.
She died on Wednesday.
The autopsy concluded she died of Leptospirosis.
This was traced to the can of coke she drank from, not using a glass.
Tests showed that the can was infected by dried RAT urine! and
hence the disease Leptospirosis.

RAT urine contains toxic and deadly substances.
It is highly recommended to thoroughly wash the upper part
of all soda cans before drinking out of them.
The cans are typically stocked in warehouses and transported straight to the shops without being cleaned.
A study at NYCU showed that the tops of all soda cans are more contaminated than public toilets (i.e.). full of germs and bacteria. So wash with water. before putting them to the mouth to avoid fatal accident.









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2 回复 jianglei 2010-10-28 14:47
2 回复 felix2005200 2010-10-28 20:27
2 回复 在美一方 2010-10-28 20:36
根据多年来网传的version,这女人在德州、纽约、夏威夷,等等地方(you name it)死了好几回了。
3 回复 light12 2010-10-28 21:07
在美一方: http://www.snopes.com/medical/toxins/raturine.asp
根据多年来网传的version,这女人在德州、纽约、夏威夷,等等地方(you name it)死了好几回了。
2 回复 在美一方 2010-10-28 21:16
light12: 汞有这么厉害吗,我小时候打破体温计在家里地上玩汞球。再说中药中药也有汞吧。
2 回复 在美一方 2010-10-28 21:23
light12: 汞有这么厉害吗,我小时候打破体温计在家里地上玩汞球。再说中药中药也有汞吧。

Cleanup and Safe Disposal of Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

Cleaning Up a Broken CFL

These tips also apply to other mercury-containing bulbs, including:
Fluorescent bulbs, which include linear, U-tube and circline fluorescent tubes, bug zappers, tanning bulbs, black lights, germicidal bulbs, high output bulbs, and cold-cathode fluorescent bulbs; High intensity discharge bulbs, which include metal halide, ceramic metal halide, high pressure sodium, and mercury vapor;
Mercury short-arc bulbs; and Neon bulbs.

Fluorescent light bulbs contain a very small amount of mercury sealed within the glass tubing. EPA recommends the following clean-up and disposal steps:

Before cleanup: air out the room
Cleanup steps for:
Hard surfaces
Carpeting or rug
Clothing, bedding and other soft materials
Disposal of cleanup materials
Future cleaning of carpeting or rug: air out the room during and after vacuuming

Before Cleanup: Air Out the Room

Have people and pets leave the room, and don't let anyone walk through the breakage area on their way out.
Open a window and leave the room for 15 minutes or more.
Shut off the central forced-air heating/air conditioning system, if you have one.

Cleanup Steps for Hard Surfaces

Carefully scoop up glass pieces and powder using stiff paper or cardboard and place them in a glass jar with metal lid (such as a canning jar) or in a sealed plastic bag.
Use sticky tape, such as duct tape, to pick up any remaining small glass fragments and powder.
Wipe the area clean with damp paper towels or disposable wet wipes. Place towels in the glass jar or plastic bag.
Do not use a vacuum or broom to clean up the broken bulb on hard surfaces.

Cleanup Steps for Carpeting or Rug

Carefully pick up glass fragments and place them in a glass jar with metal lid (such as a canning jar) or in a sealed plastic bag.
Use sticky tape, such as duct tape, to pick up any remaining small glass fragments and powder.
If vacuuming is needed after all visible materials are removed, vacuum the area where the bulb was broken.
Remove the vacuum bag (or empty and wipe the canister), and put the bag or vacuum debris in a sealed plastic bag.

Cleanup Steps for Clothing, Bedding and Other Soft Materials

If clothing or bedding materials come in direct contact with broken glass or mercury-containing powder from inside the bulb that may stick to the fabric, the clothing or bedding should be thrown away. Do not wash such clothing or bedding because mercury fragments in the clothing may contaminate the machine and/or pollute sewage.

You can, however, wash clothing or other materials that have been exposed to the mercury vapor from a broken CFL, such as the clothing you are wearing when you cleaned up the broken CFL, as long as that clothing has not come into direct con tact with the materials from the broken bulb.

If shoes come into direct contact with broken glass or mercury-containing powder from the bulb, wipe them off with damp paper towels or disposable wet wipes. Place the towels or wipes in a glass jar or plastic bag for disposal.

Disposal of Cleanup Materials

Immediately place all clean-up materials outdoors in a trash container or protected area for the next normal trash pickup.
Wash your hands after disposing of the jars or plastic bags containing clean-up materials.
Check with your local or state government about disposal requirements in your specific area. Some states do not allow such trash disposal. Instead, they require that broken and unbroken mercury-containing bulbs be taken to a local recycling center.

Future Cleaning of Carpeting or Rug: Air Out the Room During and After Vacuuming

The next several times you vacuum, shut off the central forced-air heating/air conditioning system and open a window before vacuuming.
Keep the central heating/air conditioning system shut off and the window open for at least 15 minutes after vacuuming is completed.
2 回复 light12 2010-10-28 23:04
在美一方: 汞确实有毒性,很多物质,当一次摄入不多的时候,身体可以清除,但是多次摄入,即使是微量,其毒性会累积就可以表现出来。
2 回复 light12 2010-10-28 23:04
在美一方: 给你一个美国环保署的链接,关于如何清理破碎的含汞灯泡:

Cleanup and Safe Disposal of Compact Fluorescent Light
3 回复 在美一方 2010-10-28 23:06
light12: 再谢谢!
3 回复 SirCat 2010-10-29 00:37
2 回复 xerxes 2010-10-29 01:07
2 回复 light12 2010-10-29 01:31
在美一方: 你累不累啊

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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