色拉吃什么Best picks and skips at the salad bar

作者:HappyUSANA  于 2010-1-11 03:40 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村





2。选择鲜亮的蔬菜:下一步,添加约1杯丰富多彩的蔬菜: 西兰花,胡萝卜,小西红柿,绿、红辣椒,甜菜之类的。与其它蔬菜相比,这些蔬菜给你更多的纤维,矿物质,维生素,和能与疾病做斗争的抗氧化剂,如芹菜,黄瓜等;

3。选择瘦蛋白 :半杯就够了。Chickpeas and kidney beans (鹰嘴豆和菜豆,前者有点像豌豆,后者应该是常见的那种较大的红色豆子,常常是腌制的,可以Google一下)是不含脂肪的蛋白质的优质来源(每种6 克)。切片的煮鸡蛋(8克)是另一种明智的选择,只是应该限制蛋黄以限制脂肪;
应该放弃:鸡肉,金枪鱼,或蟹沙拉 - 它们通常由高脂肪Mayo组成。 三豆色拉,通常漂浮有大量的油脂。 干酪,含有高度的饱和脂肪,加速衰老过程(引起动脉阻塞)。

4。额外的味道:喜欢奶酪?加一汤匙Parmesan 巴马(22卡路里)来提味,或1汤匙核桃或葵花籽。这两个有对你的心脏有好处的脂肪,而且还能帮助你的身体吸收所有这些蔬菜的营养;
应该避免:Cheddar cubes (大概是一种较硬的奶酪) - 你很快就会吃的很多(超过你所需要)。;面包片 - 它们看起来无害,但每3/4 杯有 100卡路里,它们通常含有高卡的精制碳水化合物、钠和转换脂肪。亚洲酥面条同上。

5。加点佐料:约1汤匙对心脏健康有帮助的橄榄油,再加点醋,辣椒,然后搅拌:抛,扔,抛漩涡。你可以问任何厨师, 这是一个完美沙拉的秘密 - 彻底搅拌能确保所有的风味和纹理分布均匀,并让您使用最少的佐料并发挥最大的效用。


又:喜欢水果沙拉?容易。选新鲜的,什么都行。甜瓜,草莓,菠萝,猕猴桃,再加上1至2汤匙碎核桃仁或葵花籽,这些是良好的脂肪并且松 脆。然后买一小盒低或无脂肪酸奶以及除去饱和脂肪的蛋白质奶油干酪。注意应该避免桃,杏,梨等糖浆罐头,它们的热量比新鲜水果多得多,但营养却少得多。

Salad bars can be diet salvation or junk-food minefields. Here's how to get from one end to the other without detonating an explosion of bad fats, sodium, sugar, and refined carbs.

1. Go dark on greens: Build a vitamin - and fiber-packed foundation by starting with roughly 1 cup of spinach and romaine leaves (for more than half of your daily vitamin A and all of your K, plus some C, folate, two potent vision protectors, and more). Skip'em: Lighter greens tend to offer less nutritionally. Iceberg lettuce, for instance, delivers only about 7% of the A you need, some K and not much else.

2. Go bright on veggies: Next, add about 1 cup of the most colorful crudités - broccoli, carrots, cherry tomatoes, green and red peppers, beets, like that. Ounce for ounce, vibrant veggies give you more fiber, minerals, vitamins, and disease-fighting antioxidants than their paler companions, like celery and cucumbers. Skip'em: Anything coated in mayo or an indefinable dressing, including carrot and raisin mixes, cole slaw, and potato salad.

3. Choose lean proteins: Aim for about ½ cup of these. Chickpeas and kidney beans are nifty sources of fat-free protein (6 grams each). Sliced hard-boiled eggs (8 grams) are another smart choice; just limit the yolk to limit the fat. Skip'em: Chicken, tuna, or crab salads - they're usually made with high-fat mayo; three-bean salad, which typically is afloat in a sea of oil; and cottage cheese, which is high in aging (read artery-clogging) saturated fat.

4. Sprinkle on extra flavor and crunch: Like cheese? Add 1 tablespoon of Parmesan (22 calories) to punch up the flavor, or 1 tablespoon of walnuts or sunflower seeds for some healthy crunch. Both have good-for-your-heart fats, which help your body absorb the nutrients in all those veggies. Skip'em: Cheddar cubes - you'll quickly eat more than you need; croutons - they may look harmless but at 100 calories per ¼ cup, they're usually high-cal booby traps of refined carbs, sodium, and trans fats. Ditto for crunchy Asian noodles.

5. Dress for success: Now swirl on about 1 tablespoon of heart-healthy olive oil, a splash of vinegar, a grating of pepper, and toss, toss, toss. Ask any chef. It's the secret to a perfect salad - thorough tossing ensures that all the flavors and textures are evenly distributed and lets you use minimal dressing to maximum effect. Skip'em: Walk right past those vats of ready-made salad dressings. Even the low-fat or fat-free versions are usually loaded with salt, sugar, and additives. And just 2 tablespoons of regular blue cheese or ranch have about 160 fat-packed calories

Ready? Dig in. Yum. Mission accomplished!

PS: Prefer a fruit salad? Easy. Go for whatever's fresh - melons, berries, pineapple, kiwi - and top with 1 to 2 tablespoons of chopped walnuts or sunflower seeds for a dollop of good fats and crunchy flavor. Then buy a small container of low- or no-fat yogurt/cottage cheese for creamy protein minus the sat fat in dairy foods. Skip'em: Syrupy canned peaches, apricots, pears, etc. They have far more calories and fewer nutrients than fresh fruit.










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