
作者:HappyUSANA  于 2010-3-7 05:07 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村




Appetite may be partly linked to germs in the gut

WASHINGTON — Germs in the gut may help drive appetite, says new research into the link between obesity and bacteria.

Previous studies have shown that overweight people and normal-weight people harbor different types and amounts of microbes that naturally live in the intestine. To determine why, scientists are peering into mice.

Emory University researchers noticed that mice with an altered immune system were fatter than regular mice, and had a collection of disorders — high blood pressure, and cholesterol and insulin problems — called metabolic syndrome, often a precursor of heart disease and diabetes.

Everyone is born with a sterile digestive tract that within days is flooded with bacteria from first foods and the environment. Altered immunity in these mice meant somewhat different bacteria grew in their intestines than in normal rodents — driving bigger appetites, metabolic syndrome and a low-grade inflammation believed key to obesity's illnesses, Emory associate pathology professor Andrew Gewirtz reported Thursday in the journal Science.

To prove it, Gewirtz transferred bacteria from the fat mice directly into the germ-free intestines of normal newborn mice — and those mice began eating more and developed inflammation and insulin problems.

Restrict access to food and the altered mice don't gain weight, but still experienced the other symptoms, he noted.

"People are getting obese because they're eating more, but it suggests the reason they're eating more may not simply be that calories are cheap and available," Gewirtz said. "The reason they're eating more may be an increased appetite resulting from changes in intestinal bacteria."

His next step is to study how gut bacteria changes in people having weight-loss surgery.

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The globe and mail, Friday, March 5, 2010









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2 回复 大西洋人 2010-3-7 05:53
Goolge 在线翻译:

华盛顿 - 在肠道细菌可能有助于推动胃口,说把肥胖和细菌之间的联系新的研究。


埃默里大学的研究人员发现,与免疫系统的改变老鼠比普通老鼠肥,并已收集的疾病 - 高血压,胆固醇和胰岛素的问题 - 所谓代谢综合征,往往是心脏病和糖尿病的前兆。

每个人出生时是无菌消化天内,由第一食品和环境的细菌淹没道。在这些小鼠蚀变豁免权的含义有所不同细菌增长比正常老鼠的肠道 - 驾驶更大的胃口,代谢综合征和低度炎症认为关键肥胖的疾病,埃默里大学病理学教授副教授安德鲁格维尔茨报告在科学杂志上周四。

为了证明这一点,葛维宝转移到小鼠的脂肪直接在无菌小鼠的正常新生儿免费肠道细菌 - 那些老鼠开始吃越来越发达炎症和胰岛素的问题。


“人们越来越肥胖,因为他们吃更多,但建议他们吃的原因可能不简单,就是热量很便宜,可用”葛维宝说。 “之所以他们吃更多的可能是食欲增加,在肠道细菌的变化引起的。”

1 回复 goodoctor 2010-3-7 13:25
I think that people are getting obese not only because they're eating more, but also they do not like exercise.

Some other researchers will find the different germs which may be linked to the people who are not interested in exercise.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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