干细胞和人体组的自我修复 ---7。成体干细胞具有的分化能力

作者:HappyUSANA  于 2010-7-31 12:05 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村




干细胞研究领域著名的科学家之一乔治城大学医学院Georgetown University Medical School Washington, D.C.教授David A. Prentice博士总结了一部分文献,这些文献说明成体干细胞具有分化成几乎所有组织和细胞的功能,因此称之为亚全能干细胞。
Evidence that Some Adult Stem Cells show Pluripotent Capacity
干细胞能形成软骨和骨 Stem cells can form cartilage and bone -Science (The world's leading journal of original scientific research) 284, 143-147; 2 Apr 1999
源自骨髓的干细胞可能形成神经组织Bone marrow-derived stem cells appear able to form neuronal tissues,Science 290, 1775-1779; 1 Dec 2000
骨髓干细胞能形成肝脏、皮肤和消化道细胞Bone marrow stem cells can form liver, skin, and digestive tract cells-New England Journal of Medicine 346, 738-746; 7 March 2002
骨髓干细胞也可以参与皮肤愈合,促进伤口愈合修复Bone marrow stem cells can also participate in cutaneous healing, contributing to repair of wound healing -Journal Of Cellular Physiology 196, 245–250; 2003
干细胞参与人脑新神经元的产生Stem cells participate in the generation of new neurons within the human brain -Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 100, 1364-1369; 4 Feb 2003
骨髓干细胞也被证实有助于增加浦肯野细胞 (Purkinje cells)Bone marrow stem cells have also been shown to contributeto Purkinje cells (Purkinje cells are brain cells that science had believed are not generated after birth科学界不久前还认为浦肯野细胞是出生后大脑中不能再生成的细胞)  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 100, 2088-2093; 18 Feb 2003
游动性干细胞也被用于心脏组织的重建Mobilized stem cells have also been used in renewal of cardiac tissue (Mobilized stem cells are those that have released into the bloodstream)-Journal of Clinical Investigation 107, 1395-1402; June 2001
骨髓干细胞也表现出参与重建视网膜组织的能力Bone marrow stem cells have also shown the ability to participate in renewal of retinal tissues -Nature Medicine 8, 1004-1010; Sept 2002
人体骨髓干细胞已被证明可以形成软骨细胞 Human marrow stem cells have been shown to form cartilage cells -Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 99, 4397-4402; 2 Apr 2002
骨髓干细胞也被证明能够更新肌肉组织Bone marrow derived stem cells have also been shown capable of renewing muscle tissue -Science 279, 1528-1530; Mar 6, 1998
骨髓干细胞能够参与肾脏组织的恢复Bone marrow stem cells can participate in restoring kidney tissue -Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 14, S48-S54; 2003
骨髓干细胞复育的肝细胞也能在人体发生Repopulation of liver cells from bone marrow stem cells could take place in humans -Nature 406, 257; 20 July 2000
骨髓干细胞也表现出促使胰腺重建的能力 Bone marrow derived stem cells have also demonstrated the ability to induce renewal of the pancreas-Bone Marrow Transplant 215-222; Aug 2002
骨髓干细胞可以更新心肌组织和改善人类心脏功能 Bone marrow derived stem cells can renew cardiac tissue and improve cardiac performance in humans -Nature Medicine 7, 430-436; April 2001 and many more
研究表明,骨髓干细胞可以更新肺组织,减轻炎症  Studies indicate evidence that bone marrow stem cells can renew lung tissue-Development 128, 5181-5188; December 2001; Stem cells can home to lung tissue, then participate in renewal of lung tissue and reduction of inflammation-Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 100: 8407-8411; 8 July 2003
骨髓基质干细胞已被证明有助于人类患者胃肠道组织重建Bone marrow derived stem cells have been shown to contribute to renewal of gastrointestinal tissue in human patients-Archives of Dermatology 137, 1071-1072; Aug 2001
骨髓干细胞能形成所有3个胚层,并再生受损的心脏。Bone Marrow Stem Cells can form all 3 germ layers, and regenerate damaged heart.Yoon Y-s et al., “Clonally expanded novel multipotent stem cells from human bone marrow regenerate myocardium after myocardial infarction”, Journal of Clinical Investigation 115, 326-338, February 2005
人骨髓成体干细胞多能性的潜力 Human Bone Marrow Adult Stem Cells with pluripotent potential, D’Ippolito G et al., “Marrow-isolated adult multilineage inducible (MIAMI) cells, a unique population of postnatal young and old human cells with extensive expansion and differentiation potential”, J. Cell Science117, 2971-2981, 15 July 2004 (published online 1 June 2004)
##########外周血造血干细胞表达Oct - 4基因,能够形成细胞所有的3个主要胚层,形成包括内皮细胞,神经细胞,肝细胞等。Peripheral blood stem cells express Oct-4 gene and can form cells from all 3 primary germ layers, including endothelial cells, neuronal cells, and liver cells. Zhao Y et al.; “A human peripheral blood monocyte-derived subset acts as pluripotent stem cells”; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 100, 2426-2431; 4 March 2003
形成人脑新的神经细胞Adult stem cells from bone marrow can form new neurons in the human brain. Mezey E et al.; “Transplanted bone marrow generates new neurons in human brains”; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 100, 1364-1369; 4 Feb 2003
形成所有组织Adult stem cells from bone marrow can form all body tissues,Jiang Y et al.; “Pluripotency of mesenchymal stem cells derived from adult marrow”; Nature 418, 41-49; 4 July 2002
形成功能性骨髓,血细胞,肝细胞,肺细胞,小肠??? 皮肤细胞,心脏细胞,骨骼肌肉细胞  A single adult mouse bone marrow stem cell can form functional marrow, blood cells, liver,lung, gastrointestinal tract, skin, heart and skeletal muscle.Krause DS et al.; “Multi-Organ, Multi-Lineage Engraftment by a Single Bone Marrow-Derived Stem Cell”; Cell 105, 369-377; 4 May 2001










发表评论 评论 (30 个评论)

5 回复 TCM 2010-7-31 12:25
4 回复 平凡往事 2010-7-31 12:27
5 回复 异域堂 2010-7-31 12:35
3 回复 yulinw 2010-7-31 12:37
5 回复 珍惜眼前 2010-7-31 12:45
4 回复 路不平 2010-7-31 12:57
5 回复 jannykwong 2010-7-31 13:01
5 回复 老阿姨 2010-7-31 14:03
4 回复 老阿姨 2010-7-31 14:03
路不平: 想到人耳朵长在小老鼠身上,外行了
4 回复 sujie_alex 2010-7-31 14:22
4 回复 世外闲人 2010-7-31 14:42
4 回复 脑脑圆 2010-7-31 14:55
5 回复 shen fuen 2010-7-31 15:19
Bone marrow stem cells could be the hope to rebuild someone.
5 回复 cartoonyang 2010-7-31 16:00
4 回复 蓝天雨天 2010-7-31 20:28
4 回复 jfy 2010-7-31 22:06
谢谢。似乎比rocket science还难懂。
5 回复 雨中独行 2010-7-31 22:38
5 回复 黑山老猫 2010-7-31 22:50
路不平: 想到人耳朵长在小老鼠身上,外行了
如果弄的好, 直接在培养皿里面就有人耳朵造了. 不用再克隆到老鼠基因组里面让老鼠长了. 呵呵. 大规模的人体器官工厂在不远的未来会实现的.
5 回复 xyz000usa 2010-7-31 23:56
very useful information. thanks.
5 回复 Cristal 2010-8-1 01:21

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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