IOC Quiz

作者:金陵客  于 2010-2-24 08:14 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


1.       Which country sits on two different continents? Turkey

2.       What country's ancient emperor had a garden filled with plant and animal statues made of pure gold? Mexico

3.       What country's team in the 1994 World Cup games had members whose last names all ended in "ov"? Bulgaria

4.       In which country are there the most doughnuts shops per capita? Canada

5.       In which country has the largest elementary school in the world? Philippines

6.       Which country possesses more than 40 percent of the world's platinum? Russia

7.       Which country, famous for its fine crystal, has been inhabited for over 9,000 years? Ireland

8.       In which country, did the Dutch start wearing wooden shoes to keep their feet dry? Holland

9.       The scientists of which country built a battery that lasted 400 years?  China .

10.   In what country will you find a temple whose dome is covered with a ton of gold leaf? India .

11.   Which country is the world's largest producer of gold and also has the world's deepest gold mine called the Western Deep? South Africa .

12.   In which country do the children believe a troll (Tank-Verk Trollet) will move into your mouth if you forget to brush your teeth? Norway

13.   Which country has a desert that is one of the driest on Earth yet contains one of the Earth's rainiest places? Chile

14.   Which country has the world's highest elevation airport? Bolivia

15.   In which country's palace does the reigning monarch enjoy a diamond toilet seat? England

16.   In what country did an emperor have 6,000 life-sized clay warriors built to guard his body after his death? China

17.   Which is the only country in the world to offer free postal service? Andorra

18.   In which country is it considered unlucky to hand a fellow diner a salt shaker? Brazil

19.   Which country is the most densely populated in the world? Bangladesh









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