
作者:此山中  于 2011-3-30 08:19 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



BL_518: 不断推陈出新,才有看头~~~

此山中: 好哇,谢王母娘娘鼓励哇!欢迎snort的朋友们多多的爆料哇,另外俺的英文不好,有没有谁给snort当翻译哇?


snortbsd: there are software that you can hide your real ip address and rotate/change your displayed ip addresses in every few minutes. those online hired guns use that make comments and prop up their existence, it could be microsoft based or unix based, free version or pro version... of course pro version would have much more features, i went through some comments and found out that some posters use this kind of software. some of comments are certainly made by the same person, but with a lot of ip addresses from different regions..


路人猪oneweek: 五毛同学,是谁、 在那里? 俺也要去围观, 学习一下!

正义的trunkzhao: 不做亏心事,不怕鬼叫门。你怕什么?

路人猪oneweek: 不是害怕什么。 俺是要向五毛同学学习。


snortbsd: one penny 同学, if you ask nicely, i might give you the sanctification, even more, i might give the tips how to spot them. with you your attitude, my advice? go work with your brain...


此山中: 哇咔咔,俺态度很好,你就当俺是个坏蛋,让猪围观一下俺吧,把俺的ip告诉大家吧,俺觉得有可能是他们用不同的电脑发言,比如说俺用iphone, ipad, 和几台电脑上倍可亲,ip地址当然不同了。俺也不喜欢有些马甲的发言,所以snortbsd要是能查出俺的ip,也震慑他们一下看看俺在哪儿发的这条留言哇?

此山中又用iphone发了一条: and what about this one?



snortbsd: well, just wondering how many "ma ja" do you have???

此山中: 俺没有马甲哇,像俺这么牛,要马甲干什么,你能看到俺在哪儿发的这条么?俺没有用什么藏ip的东东,要不你只要告诉俺俺的ip就行了 


snortbsd: hmmm, still have problem to read english?

此山中: 可能你误会俺了,你的英文俺是能看懂的,只是上次不明白你为什么说俺是一分。好啦,别跑题啦,告诉俺的ip吧!


此山中: 嘿嘿,再给你提示一下,俺这条英文的是从iphone上发的,ip应该和那一条不一样的,看看你能不能告诉俺iphone的ip是神马?俺书念的少,还不知道哪!


snortbsd: did you really 能看懂英文??? then read again!!!

此山中: 不要生气,查不出来就算了嘛,专家也经常有失手的时候哇,别hack俺的电脑哇!


snortbsd: my advice? read my post again! btw, i don't know what that hack俺的电脑 means and i am not interested in knowing that either. i am always trying to walk on the side of laws..


此山中: 伤脑筋哇,俺又看了一遍你的帖子,你不是说你能看到许多人的ip吗?是不是呀?不要害怕,俺不会打小报告滴,让俺们山中对话对话一下您老人家吧?您也算村中的极品了哇 

snortbsd: guess i was wasting my time on you... why should i satisfy you for such dumb request? well, give that back to you: 您也算村中的极品了!!!


此山中: 伤脑筋哇,你说你能查到大家的ip,俺自告奋勇出来让你给大家做实验,不是让你对俺又抓又挠滴呀,俺又不是逗猫猫玩!成熟一点好不好?俺又不是和小女生吵架!好吧,您就告诉大家你到底能不能查到大家的ip,不用说这么一大坨,一个字就行!




snortbsd: https://www.backchina.com/chineseblog/201103/user-207787-message-107274-page-1.html


let's see a classical case here:

[2楼的游客](122.16.x.x) 发表于 2011/3/29 10:23

[3楼的游客](68.173.x.x) 发表于 2011/3/29 10:24

[4楼的游客](204.197.x.x) 发表于 2011/3/29 10:29

[5楼的游客](99.91.x.x) 发表于 2011/3/29 10:31

[7楼的游客](24.86.x.x) 发表于 2011/3/29 10:34

[8楼的游客](76.200.x.x) 发表于 2011/3/29 10:37

[9楼的游客](173.35.x.x) 发表于 2011/3/29 10:39

[10楼的游客](98.222.x.x) 发表于 2011/3/29 10:39

[11楼的游客](72.78.x.x) 发表于 2011/3/29 10:43


well, in this case, he/she is using such software to make a bunch of comments, but make those comments look like from different people from different regions.

[quote]"红海洋"!  似曾相识! 情何以堪! 最后的"疯狂"???!!! 可惜了娃娃!!![/quote]

with this comment, you know he/she is hanging around 贝壳村 with a "ma ja", probably a nice, friendly "ma ja"...

you can only find out his/her real ip address if you have the access to the server, but again, that would involve a matter of legality if you have no legal rights to do so...

此山中: 好文哇,snort, 俺收藏了。哇了个咔咔,俺还真以为你老人家是专家,能看到大家的ip哪,闹了半天是看新闻啊。这个技术含量也太低了。不过嘛,您老人家能从这些观点相似,语气相似的留言里发现他们是同一个人说的,这个技术含量就高了。想不到您老人家认识的汉字这么哇,哈哈哈,得管您叫汉专家啦您老人家的英文真的是很地道哇,怎么学的呀?






1. i guess those with “impeccable" personalities start showing their true natures by attacking people whose opinions different from theirs openly online, via vicious lies and false accusations.


2. [quote]"红海洋"!  似曾相识! 情何以堪! 最后的"疯狂"???!!! 可惜了娃娃!!![/quote], with this comment, you know he/she is hanging around 贝壳村 with a "ma ja", probably a nice, friendly "ma ja"...






shaitthis: 哈哈 关注

此山中: 哇咔咔,太欢迎啦,晕弟哇,你是本村另一个著名电脑专家。您谈谈您可以查到大家的ip吗?

shaitthis: 说句实话,我查不到大家的ip地址。哈哈 不过可能是我学艺不精,只是光靠贝壳村网页我真的看不到别人的地址的。你要是学会了别忘了教我啊。哦,对了,网站管理员可以看到ip地址没问题的。哈哈。他只是说的人们可以ip伪装吧,哪个很容易的,确实有软件可以伪装ip的,好象他没说自己能看到别人的ip。呵呵

此山中: 哇咔咔,看来加拿大英语和美国英语不太一样哇,snort 说:i went through some comments and found out that some posters use this kind of software. some of comments are certainly made by the same person, but with a lot of ip addresses from different regions


snortbsd: that loser doesn't read english...

热心的嘉宾John1400用狗翻译了一下:我审阅有些评论并且发现了有些海报使用这种软件。 一些评论一定做出由同一个人,但是用很多IP地址由不同(3-30 05:16) 回复

此山中: 明白了,谢谢John1400,哇了个咔咔,连海报都能黑哇,SNORT俺太佩服你啦,哇咔咔,您是汉字专家啦,以后还是说中文吧,要不大家总是误解你哇

此山中继续威胁利诱晕弟: 哇咔咔,你是不是在暗示snortbsd是网管哇?你上次访谈junkie时骗走的200金币,还100个就行了。

shaitthis: 哦 哈哈 没看仔细。看来他能看到ip啊。你到底给了没有啊?要是给了我就还给你。

此山中打哈哈: 好吧,就算是给转丢了吧,但是某年某月某日,你拿了俺一个100大洋的红包,这事有吧?

shaitthis继续跑题: 哈哈 看来你转了。晕倒。你skype上没转的。我现在给你去转分。哈哈 给你转了350分。收到没?






此山中:snort呀,snort? 哪里去了?



















刚表态过的朋友 (10 人)

发表评论 评论 (35 个评论)

1 回复 在美一方 2011-3-30 08:33
marnifan: 偶想请教哪个电脑专家,告诉雨林哪里download这个软件,那雨林姐就又能上来了
不用专家,你搜一下ip proxy,多得很,也可以买软件
1 回复 BL_518 2011-3-30 08:49
marnifan: 偶想请教哪个电脑专家,告诉雨林哪里download这个软件,那雨林姐就又能上来了
2 回复 BL_518 2011-3-30 08:52
marnifan: ip被封了
3 回复 BL_518 2011-3-30 09:00
marnifan: 得罪了网管呗
2 回复 BL_518 2011-3-30 09:05
1 回复 oneweek 2011-3-30 09:44
回复 解滨 2011-3-30 10:41
俺去那电脑专家的帖子上跟了一贴,内容如下: Man, you are making whole bunch of b-sh-t here.  Are you talking about IP spoofing?  'you can only find out his/her real ip address if you have the access to the server'? - who said that? No server can find the 'real' IP from the spoofed IP, only a stateful inspection firewall or intrusion prevention system (IPS) does it by examining the header of the packet (some routers can do this as well).  A firewall can be configured to deny/reject a spoofed IP.  In today's most cases, firewalls are configured to deny/reject spoofed IPs for the purpose of preventing simple distributed denial of service (DoS) attacks and man-in-the-middle attacks.   

If someone really wants to use other IPs to post something on a web server that is behind a firewall, the best/easiest approach is to use a proxy.  However, changing proxy server on a web browser would require the person to do it manually.  Another problem: most free proxy servers can only be used for browsing instead of posting - this is simply due to liability concern, not technical difficulty.   No one can find so many Proxy servers that allow posting in such short period of time.

In conclusion: this web site is more likely protected by a firewall and/or IPS.  IP spoofing will not work (unless you have tried it - please provide results).  Using a proxy can be very difficult because most public proxy servers don't allow posting. The case you described is totally false!
3 回复 xoyuanfen 2011-3-30 10:56
   山中小弟, 这么大牌的也被你采访到了。 鼓励, 鼓掌!
1 回复 BL_518 2011-3-30 11:18
marnifan: 接个要问网管,哈哈,他说严重就严重嘛
3 回复 yulinw 2011-3-30 11:32
marnifan: 偶想请教哪个电脑专家,告诉雨林哪里download这个软件,那雨林姐就又能上来了
1 回复 yulinw 2011-3-30 11:33
2 回复 BL_518 2011-3-30 12:02
yulinw:    嘿嘿~~最好的方法是解禁啊~~
回复 yulinw 2011-3-30 12:10
marnifan: 哈哈,胡汗三又回来啦
3 回复 yulinw 2011-3-30 12:13
BL_518: 你被软禁了~~姐姐都没发现~~~~
2 回复 BL_518 2011-3-30 12:16
yulinw:       没事儿,看正义大片去了~~
1 回复 yulinw 2011-3-30 12:26
BL_518: 那就好~~咋看上瘾了,白天晚上连轴转啊~~~~
2 回复 BL_518 2011-3-30 12:28
yulinw:    尽量改着呢~~
3 回复 此山中 2011-3-30 12:30
在美一方: 不用专家,你搜一下ip proxy,多得很,也可以买软件

2 回复 此山中 2011-3-30 12:32
BL_518: 支持贝壳村的焦点访谈~~~山中弟要出名啦~~~~
   哇咔咔,俺是冒死办这个谈话节目哇, 其实也没那么严重,嘿嘿,脸皮够厚就可以啦
1 回复 此山中 2011-3-30 12:34
oneweek: 怎么发重复了?

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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