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回复 wazhh 2010-4-21 10:31
回复 snortbsd 2010-4-21 10:48
broken my heart...

what pissed me off is that 玉树 wasn't heavily monitored. all of focus were on wenchuan.

so many quakes in such short period of time frame and some "experts" said it isn't abnormal. guess not enough people dead yet...
1 回复 杏林一虹 2010-4-21 11:44
回复 宜修 2010-4-21 11:58
wazhh: 幼吾幼以及人之幼
回复 mhdhy 2010-4-21 23:50
可爱,可怜,让人心酸 ~

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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