espring 净水器

作者:nicoleli  于 2009-10-23 21:59 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



Learn About eSpring Water Purifiers
Learn more about water quality analysis through the National Testing Laboratories (PDF).

Your body needs water to function properly
You body needs water to function properly Your body has a basic need for water. The majority of the cells in your body are comprised of water. Water makes up the largest part of your blood and lymph systems, carrying food and oxygen to cells, as well as removing wastes. It even acts as an internal shock absorber, cushioning your organs as you move. Water also cools your body when it’s hot - and keeps it warm when it gets cold. Water helps to control your blood pressure, and it keeps your eyes, nasal passages, mouth, and throat moist - as well as making your skin soft. Quite simply, your body needs and demands water to function and 

Water makes you feel healthy and comfortable
To keep your body functioning properly, and to maintain your health and feeling of well-being and comfort, your body requires a certain amount of water on a daily basis. By drinking the volume of water your body needs every day, you also significantly improve the ability of vitamins, nutrients, and even some medications to work effectively in your body. Drinking the right amount of water also reduces feelings of hunger and helps you to burn more calories on a daily basis. Health experts recommend drinking half your body weight in ounces of water every day. That means a 150-lb. person needs to consume approximately ten 8-oz. glasses of water every day.

The importance of the quality of the water you drinkThe importance of the quality of the water you drink
While drinking enough water is essential to your general well-being, drinking water that’s free from impurities is also vital to achieving a better, healthier lifestyle. To ensure that the water you and your family are drinking is fresh, clear, clean, and pure you need the purification quality of the eSpring Water Purifier.

The eSpring Water Purifier: the first of its kind
Most common water filters, usually found in pitcher and faucet-mounted systems, feature a single pressed-carbon filter that merely treats water as it passes through it. The eSpring Water Purifier is the first in-home system designed with a patented dual-technology cartridge. This dual function cartridge combines ultraviolet light with a proprietary carbon-block filter to reduce more than 140 contaminants â

水占我们人体的70%,espring 净水器,装上它,口感软软的,滑滑的,这可是最廉价的,高品质的保健品了。










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1 回复 putongren10 2009-10-23 23:28

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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