River shown (ZT)

作者:seagull99  于 2010-5-18 10:18 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



Without any roads leading to this river, it must be accessed by horse.

Most Colourful River 1

Most Colourful River 2

Most Colourful River 3

Most Colourful River 4

Most Colourful River 5

Most Colourful River 6

Most Colourful River 7

Most Colourful River 8

Most Colourful River 9

Most Colourful River 10

Most Colourful River 11

The information in the message is factual and the photographs

genuine. The river shown in the photographs is

the Caño Cristales, which is located near the

town of La Macarena in Columbia , South America. 


The river, world famous for its colourful

display, has been called "the river that ran

away to paradise", "the most beautiful river in

the world" and "the river of five colours".

During Colombia 's wet season, the water flows fast and deep,

obscuring the bottom of the river and denying

the mosses and algae that call the river home

the sun that they need. And during the dry 

 season there is not enough water to support the

dazzling array of life in the river. But during

a brief span between the wet and dry seasons,

when the water level is just right, the many

varieties of algae and moss bloom in a dazzling

display of colors. Blotches of amarillo , blue,

green, black, and red - and a thousand shades in

between - coat the river.









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