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3 回复 yzfoto 2010-3-29 10:51
Cool guy!
4 回复 绿绿的地 2010-3-29 11:31
Cool guy!
6 回复 xyyh62 2010-3-29 11:33
绿绿的地: Cool guy!
Sure !
5 回复 snortbsd 2010-3-29 11:54
things are looking up....
5 回复 平凡往事 2010-3-29 11:55
5 回复 xyyh62 2010-3-29 11:55
snortbsd: things are looking up....
He acted so cool !
4 回复 snortbsd 2010-3-29 12:01
xyyh62: He acted so cool !
yeah... the way he lost himself in that basket...hahahaha
5 回复 xyyh62 2010-3-29 12:06
snortbsd: yeah... the way he lost himself in that basket...hahahaha
Really !I have reviewed his silly, laughed and laughed for over one year, eventually put it here to share...
4 回复 woshiyu 2010-3-29 12:06
Cool guy!
3 回复 xyyh62 2010-3-29 12:08
woshiyu: Cool guy!
4 回复 人間的盒子 2010-3-29 12:12
4 回复 xyyh62 2010-3-29 12:19
yzfoto: Cool guy!
i'm only 5 !
3 回复 xyyh62 2010-3-29 12:20
人間的盒子: Cool
I'm not done !
4 回复 homepeace 2010-3-29 12:31
3 回复 xyyh62 2010-3-29 12:33
5 回复 点点星河 2010-3-29 13:30
笑的我咬合关节都疼了。哈哈!I'm only 5.
5 回复 剩母玛丽娅 2010-3-29 19:07
3 回复 xoyuanfen 2010-3-29 21:58
上班, 看不见。
4 回复 xyyh62 2010-3-29 22:01
xoyuanfen: 上班, 看不见。
5 回复 xyyh62 2010-3-29 22:16
点点星河: 笑的我咬合关节都疼了。哈哈!I'm only 5.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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