
作者:陈营  于 2010-8-11 09:09 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村











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0 回复 wazhh 2010-8-11 09:40
11 回复 snortbsd 2010-8-11 09:54
well, he is not citizen of the usa, he doesn't have those rights for the citizens of the usa.

play the games of laws here? he doesn't have the legal resources and financial resources...

DA could just drag the case along, in years. homeland security could easily come up some excuses to reject his entrance back to here, even he has visa...
0 回复 linzhiding 2010-8-11 11:58
wazhh: 拭目以待这个因言获罪的案子
4 回复 yzfoto 2010-8-11 19:35
snortbsd: well, he is not citizen of the usa, he doesn't have those rights for the citizens of the usa.

play the games of laws here? he doesn't have the legal
Agree!!Useless for him to come back US to sue the school or whatever. What a jok, his father asked Chinese official to help this case. Is him a hero??? Loser!
3 回复 yzfoto 2010-8-11 19:38
wazhh: 拭目以待这个因言获罪的案子
1 回复 yzfoto 2010-8-11 19:50
0 回复 snortbsd 2010-8-11 22:36
yzfoto: Agree!!Useless for him to come back US to sue the school or whatever. What a jok, his father asked Chinese official to help this case. Is him a he
what chinese officials going to do? they are representatives of chinese government. any wrong moves would be interpreted as paddling the justice system here. at most, chinese officials could add some pressures behind the scene. well, as far as i know of the attitude of those gove people here, such measures would be very likely backfired....
5 回复 陈营 2010-8-11 23:09
是啊,你说的没有错,但是翟在米国实在是“WAS played by the games of laws“,在美国的一个中国留学生,既没有钱也没有(美国人)权,面对强大的国家机器又能如何,就连那几千美国人年轻的生命在伊拉克消失都不在话下,小小翟田田何惧之有啊。
0 回复 陈营 2010-8-11 23:25
5 回复 snortbsd 2010-8-12 05:38
陈营: 是啊,你说的没有错,但是翟在米国实在是“WAS played by the games of laws“,在美国的一个中国留学生,既没有钱也没有(美国人)权,面对强大的国家机器又能
well, he never hired lawyers who are specialized in criminal laws. his lawyer is a lawyer specialized in immigration laws...
1 回复 snortbsd 2010-8-12 05:43
陈营: 我有一点不敢确定的就是“出语恐怖”的证据和证人是如何明确翟有恐怖威胁了,我所看到的火烧校园的话是网上,但原话到底是怎么讲的,恐怕连翟本人也无法澄清,推
that's ttrue. seems to me, his case is an case of "he says and she says"...

i agree that 勇气和骨气值得欣赏, but here isn't his turf and he has to play the games by the rules (defined by the laws here).

so in that sense, the motto of "die on one's feet, not live on one's knees" doesn't really applies in this case...
0 回复 Cannaa 2011-2-21 04:14
原话是“毁了学校的名声” burning the school's reputation. 起诉方来个断章取意,法庭将错就错。这是典型的莫须有。这种事情在美国多了,翟田田碰到海明律师才闹到媒体。那些没有机会上媒体的田田们继续坐牢。
1 回复 fep18 2011-5-10 07:52
4 回复 曼哈顿 2011-6-9 19:28

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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