
作者:东方华  于 2010-6-19 05:01 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



































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2 回复 itute 2010-6-19 05:08
3 回复 东方华 2010-6-19 05:11
itute: 春秋战国时期是我国历史上思想最开明的时期
2 回复 酸柚子 2010-6-19 05:15
2 回复 snortbsd 2010-6-19 05:23
hahaha, funny, you are not????

your guys love the "high moral ground". your blog here just painted a perfect pictures of your self-righteous crowd...

proof? just look back all of your blogs and comments, not just yours, also those "democracy" hummers....
2 回复 fanlaifuqu 2010-6-19 05:26
2 回复 方方犬 2010-6-19 05:45
2 回复 东方华 2010-6-19 05:54
snortbsd: hahaha, funny, you are not????

your guys love the "high moral ground". your blog here just painted a perfect pictures of your self-righteo
why you are so up against the idea of democracy?
why don't you go tell your fellow americans that the best thing they need is a king ...
2 回复 东方华 2010-6-19 05:55
fanlaifuqu: 写得好好!第一个副词,第二个形容词!
2 回复 东方华 2010-6-19 05:57
方方犬: 什么不是一种文化?汪汪
3 回复 snortbsd 2010-6-19 06:00
东方华: why you are so up against the idea of democracy?
why don't you go tell your fellow americans that the best thing they need is a king ...
am i against democracy or "democracy"???
2 回复 东方华 2010-6-19 06:10
snortbsd: am i against democracy or "democracy"???
make up your mind, man ...
3 回复 snortbsd 2010-6-19 06:12
东方华: make up your mind, man ...
make up what?

i know who i am, where i stand, and what i stand for...
3 回复 东方华 2010-6-19 06:21
snortbsd: make up what?

i know who i am, where i stand, and what i stand for...
oh, good. explain to me just what are the differences between democracy and "democracy" in your mind ...
3 回复 方方犬 2010-6-19 06:22
东方华: 比如说:狗拿耗子...
3 回复 snortbsd 2010-6-19 06:40
东方华: oh, good. explain to me just what are the differences between democracy and "democracy" in your mind ...
well, the essence of western democracy is the rule of laws. one can see that clearly from the history of the western civilization. it didn't happen overnight, not few years, not few decades. it started from 14th century, all the way to now....

"democracy" is a pseudo concept at best. nothing in substances, just big mouth slogans and claims. you want the freedom of this, you want the freedom of that, just not responsibilities...

in essence, this pseudo 'democracy" is anarchism with a nice looking veil...
3 回复 东方华 2010-6-19 06:47
snortbsd: well, the essence of western democracy is the rule of laws. one can see that clearly from the history of the western civilization. it didn't happen o
Why is it neccesorily a "western" idea?
No one is arguing about the "the rule of laws", but does it make any differences whether the laws are made by the people or the ruler?
You might just save your quotation marks  when you are so habitantent to call others names ruther than fill in with your own substances ...
3 回复 东方华 2010-6-19 06:50
方方犬: 比如说:东方华拿耗子...
2 回复 snortbsd 2010-6-19 06:53
东方华: Why is it neccesorily a "western" idea?
No one is arguing about the "the rule of laws", but does it make any differences whether
well, just look back all of your guys posts? were there anything original from your guys?

so with your version of "democracy", you guys would be ones to make rules? when you can not even follow the rules prc has now, how could i believe you are for a true nature of democracy?

ok, you don't like "the rule of laws" in prc and determined to be up against them, then why not just straightforward to say you guys want to overthrow the government...
3 回复 snortbsd 2010-6-19 07:00
东方华: Why is it neccesorily a "western" idea?
No one is arguing about the "the rule of laws", but does it make any differences whether
btw, to me, i am only familiar with the concept of western democracy, i had and have my study on that. i don't know what kind of true democracy china will have someday, but i do realize that china has to go through own pains, find own paths for better, more democratic future. this would not happen in few years, it might take more than few decades.

looked back last 30 years, had experienced different events in different parts of the world, had witnessed some horrors in some countries, personally,  i feel confident for that china is on its right direction...
3 回复 东方华 2010-6-19 07:23
snortbsd: well, just look back all of your guys posts? were there anything original from your guys?

so with your version of "democracy", you guys w
1。 不要动不动就是“你们”如何如何。每个人都在阐述自己的观点,有人认同,有人反对,这很正常,大可不必统而化之;
2。 不管我的“民主”是哪一版,你说支持民主,那你的“民主”概念又是什么?
3。 守法是每个人必须做的事情。这不是争论的要点,法家在中国存活了两千多年了,都是合理的吗?如果不合理的话,可以议论吗?可以反对吗?
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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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