An ISIS sitting beside me

作者:bjca11  于 2015-11-29 21:51 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


从温哥华到北京的飞机上,我旁边坐着一位穿着体面的白人。飞机起飞不久,我开始与邻座这位撘仙。"去北京?"我问,"去厦门,看朋友"对方回答。接着,对方又介绍了一些他朋友的情况。"你是做什么工作的?",好奇心驱使我接着问。"数据库软件",对方回答。我接着告诉对方,我是做控制工程的,以及我们的业务范围。他也介绍了一些关于数据库软件的东西。"您的公司名字叫什么?"我又问道。这位仁兄突然压低了声音,用一只手掩住嘴巴,探身抵近我的耳朵说:"ISIS"。我迅速转过头,看着对方的眼睛。"真的,没有开玩笑。我们这个名字N年前就有了,全名是Inventory Sales Information System (销售与库存数据库系统),是那些家伙偷了我们的名字。"我们俩面对面,大笑起来。之后,我们交换了名片。"我现在无论到哪里,都得把自己的名片收好,尤其是过关的时候,免得麻烦,还得多费口舌....."这位仁兄最后打趣道。"现在不仅是您,所有叫ISIS的都少不了麻烦,祝你好运!先生,哈哈哈"我忍不住笑着回答。"我们已经准备改名字了!"下飞机前,邻座告诉我。"这大概是减少麻烦的最佳办法,哈哈哈..."我们再次大笑。 

[True Short Story]
On the plane from Vancouver to Beijing a well dressed white guy was sitting beside me. We started to chat after the plane had taken off for a while. "Going to Beijing ?" I asked, "going to Xiamen to visit my friend",the guy answered. And then he told me a short story of his friend in Xiamen. "What are you doing for living?" I curiously asked. "Information data system" he replied. I told him that I was a control engineer and what we were doing for business. Then he told me something about the information data system that he was working on. "What is your company name ?" I asked. This guy suddenly lower his voice, put one hand on his mouth and stretched his body close to my ear, said: "ISIS". I turned my head quickly and looked at his eyes. "I am not kidding, that is our name. Those guys stole our name. We have had this name for years. Our business full name is Inventory and Sales Information System! The short form is ‘ISIS’." Both of us laughed loudly. We exchanged business card after. "I need to keep my business card in a safe place, especially when I am crossing a boarder. I don't want a trouble." He was joking about. "Not only you, all the people who used the same name have similar dilemma like you right now. Good luck man!" I laughed and replied. "We were going to change our name." The guy said before we landed at Beijing airport. "That might be the best solution!" I responded. Then, we both laughed again.









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6 回复 前兆 2015-11-29 22:17

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