
作者:ryu  于 2012-8-2 17:27 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



“奥林匹克冠军叶诗文说,她非同寻常的游泳(成绩)是 ' 艰苦的工作和培训' 的结果”,记者戴维 · 琼斯(David Jones)2012 年 7 月 31 日在英国报刊上这样採写了其採訪报告的第一段。

琼斯的採訪报告题名为“锻造美人鱼的神话: 中国儿童远离家庭挤上未来奥运选手之路”。



↓ “美人鱼”叶诗文的出身母校。

↓ 夺铜后累瘫倒地不起的中国选手孙杨的体校。

Comments (79)
..Is this why golf was won at all costs? You'd be frightened to go home with anything else wouldn't you?
- Proletarian, as are we all, Formerly Great Britain, now Yuk, 31/7/2012 09:16
.Typical West, get over it.
.Kora, she did not outswim the male world record. She was 20 seconds slower than Lochte when he swam, it's just her last 50m were faster than his.
- jenny, Berkshire, 31/7/2012 09:10
.I want to cry looking at there little faces... heartbreaking.
- Me..., Here..., 31/7/2012 09:10
.Why are we so interested in China and their methods of Olympian success ? We are just as guilty of creating sports cheats and methods of training that do not meet what would be accepted as fairness in a sporting sense.We analyse EVERYTHING these days AND IT CAN NO LONGER BE CLASSIFIED AS SPORT.
.We may not agree with how they do their training, but of that's how they do it in their country, then we should mind our own business. (isn't that what we'd say if they commented on the way our sports people train) I went to Russia to train in ice skating when I was ten, and yes it was harder and stricter than I was used to, but it improved my technique. Red arrow if you want, but of you don't like the Olympics, then don't watch!
- mel, blackpool, 31/7/2012 09:08
.I would think that genetic therapy and other techniques will be used that are completely undetectable. If they held a DNA sample on record, they could complare it with the new sample..IF THEY HAVE ONE. I am more interested in the massive acceleration at the end of the swim...it's not the normal way of doing things is it...
- Claire, Bristol, 31/7/2012 09:07
.If Britain and USA were the ones winning absolutely eveything none would say anything bad about the chinese. No one would care.
- andrew, nowhere, 31/7/2012 09:07
.The difference between China and us is that they don't embrace failure as we unfortunately like to do. I highly doubt any of these kids will grow up to be thieves or go round stabbing each other like SOME uk youths do. And I bet they don't complain that 'they are bored and have nothing to do' and are therefore owed youth clubs and play stations!
- Miss R, London, 31/7/2012 09:06
.This is pathetic from DM, sinking to a new low.









刚表态过的朋友 (10 人)

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2 回复 tsueict 2012-8-2 20:00
Xie Xie for RYU's special post timely with some comments from Britians that are hard to reach here locally (and time spending for all other responses). i have earned a lot. Their perfomances, results and records have clearly told us everything we have probably know (?) or don't (like to?) know. It is a great/crazy country with a group of lucky/pathetic kids. No single one expresion in 'facelist' can reveal my heart/brain feeling.
4 回复 wo? 2012-8-2 21:00
2 回复 ryu 2012-8-2 21:05
tsueict: Xie Xie for RYU's special post timely with some comments from Britians that are hard to reach here locally (and time spending for all other responses) ...
you're welcome. Hardly i can say anything...just like some one said from Scortland :
The pictures are simply unbearable to look at, this is not training, this is hell. I don't care whether its for the gold or for anything. I simply feel disgusted at the lack of remorse the coaches show while putting children through these horrendous regime. To sacrifice one's childhood is equivalent to sacrificing the most enjoyable time of our lives, for gold they say? HELL NO!
2 回复 ryu 2012-8-2 21:06
wo?: 煮饺子呢。。。
2 回复 dwqdaniel 2012-8-2 21:07
4 回复 tsueict 2012-8-2 21:30
ryu: you're welcome. Hardly i can say anything...just like some one said from Scortland :
The pictures are simply unbearable to look at, this is not train ...
Xie Xie RYU's quick response. Agree completely.
i forwarded your article to my children without your permission, but mentioned ZT from you and backchina.
All of them are swimmers since they participated competition since they were 6 through college and up to now (and learned before that age with all voluntary and interesting in the water).We had oncerning only and never show pushing and even expecting. i told them don't show the pictures in your article to their children who are swimer too at the closing of the season and during OLumpic or hereafter.
3 回复 ryu 2012-8-2 21:54
tsueict: Xie Xie RYU's quick response. Agree completely.
i forwarded your article to my children without your permission, but mentioned ZT from you and backch ...
never mind, and do as you will ...
good luck and say hello to your children.
2 回复 ryu 2012-8-2 21:59
dwqdaniel: 残忍!
人们可能会说,Gold 就是这样来的,没什么...
We may not agree with how they do their training, but of that's how they do it in their country, then we should mind our own business. (isn't that what we'd say if they commented on the way our sports people train) I went to Russia to train in ice skating when I was ten, and yes it was harder and stricter than I was used to, but it improved my technique. Red arrow if you want, but of you don't like the Olympics, then don't watch!
2 回复 三Y老豆 2012-8-3 00:26
2 回复 无为村姑 2012-8-3 01:59
2 回复 sweets 2012-8-3 09:30
3 回复 ryu 2012-8-3 11:57
无为村姑: 太残忍~家长也有问题~体育同艺术一样,也要看孩子是否有这样的天份。国外参赛的孩子都是自己喜欢这一行的,没有这种强逼的现象~ ...
2 回复 ryu 2012-8-3 12:00
sweets: 自願自发的该有多好......
2 回复 ryu 2012-8-3 12:01
三Y老豆: 无语
4 回复 无为村姑 2012-8-3 12:04
ryu: 1日發生「可悲」的一幕,中國舉重選手「吳景彪」因發揮失常未獲金牌,連累其年邁的父母被棄。原本被體育局官員接來在山村的父母,待他奪金後第一時間接受幾十名 ...

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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