Anne Hathaway shows off her Hollywood style

作者:ryu  于 2012-12-8 13:20 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


 as A of 1206 The top ten skysc... 7 photos -(Public).

 as C of 1208 Earthquake Struck... 19 photos -(Public) .

 as D of 1130 Moscow Training C... 20 photos -(Private) .all 20 pictures are moved so call.

Hello, Glade your mail. i'ld like to reply you as follow.

i'ld like to show you as below:

1206 The top ten skysc... 7 photos -Public  (as A shows above);
1207 Anne Hathaway sho... 14 photos -Public (as B shows below);
1208 Earthquake Struck... 19 photos -Public (as C above), and all these albums are in the sub-album 201212(public) of the main album of 201201 (private).

then, the A of 1206 The top ten skysc... can be show as ok.

and the C of 1208 Earthquake Struck... 19 photos -Public...also as ok.

only the B of 1207 Anne Hathaway sho... 14 photos -Public as bellow :  

and the most sad is the ' 1130 Moscow Training C... 20 photos -Private ' of sub-album 201211, in the main album of 201202.

Though the photos as my private use but also is moved by ' this peoson...'  ( as D shows above) !!

##  ##
 below Max (Photobucket Customer Support Home)
Dec 07 10:38 am (MST)   Hello!
Let's troubleshoot this a little bit. Are you looking at all of your albums in your account? Sometimes there are nested sub-albums that have photos hidden in them, go to My Albums --> All Albums to see a list of all of your albums. Do you have any links to these photos? This might help me find where these photos are. Do you possibly have another Photobucket account that your photos could be in?
Photobucket does not remove any photos or content from our users accounts. If the media is absolutely missing from your account and you did not delete it, please immediately change your password in the Personal information section of your Account settings. While you are in the Personal settings, make sure that your registered email address is correct too!
If you cannot find the media let me know, I'll do what I can to help you find it. Please reply with some specifics for me, album names, how many images in the album, the approximate date you think the images went missing, etc.
as B of 1207 Anne Hathaway sho... 14 photos -Public bellow .... all 24 pics are ' moved ' .











发表评论 评论 (1 个评论)

1 回复 ryu 2012-12-8 13:32
Sorry, this artical was Just text for answer the fellows of  photobucket.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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