孟国香迎开斋节 却赶悲壮回家路

作者:ryu  于 2013-8-8 11:57 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村

作者分类:photo report|通用分类:活动报道|已有4评论

同样,穆斯林开斋节在我们邻居国的孟加拉国也标记着是一个全国性的大节日。外国媒体説,They will greet each other with the traditional Muslim greeting of Eid Mubarak, which translates roughly as 'Eid blessings' and is more or less equivalent to 'Merry Christmas'.As well as the special prayers and celebrations, customs of Eid include dressing up in new clothes, eating special delicacies, giving presents and, for women, decoration of the hands with henna.
孟加拉国穆斯林香迎开斋节,却不得不悲壮地去赶不堪重負的回家之路。看见有外国媒体形容説: 车上的,你能否再向什么地方移动一些好吗?孟加拉国Dhakar的公共交通条件犹如伦敦的上班高峰时节,似乎处​​在奢华悠闲的“东方快车”的一等车厢旅途中。(Can you move down please? Conditions on Dhakar's packed public transport make the London rush hour seem like a leisurely journey in luxury in the First Class carriages of the Orient Express.)
Eid mubarak: Bangladeshis sit packed atop a train at a Dhaka rail station as they make their way home to join their families for festival of Eid al-Fitr, which begins tomorrow to mark the end of the Ramadan fasting month

明天开始庆祝斋月结束的开斋节,:孟加拉达卡的火车上下“坐”满,然明天就能回家与家人团聚总是个好心情。Eid mubarak: Bangladeshis sit packed atop a train at a Dhaka rail station as they make their way home to join their families for festival of Eid al-Fitr, which begins tomorrow to mark the end of the Ramadan fasting month

Room for one more? For the past month observant Muslims across the world have refrained from eating or drinking anything from dawn to sunset in a show of spiritual devotion, but that ends tonight

各地的穆斯林在过去的一个月里从黎明到日落在秀灵修,没能吃饱或喝足任何东西,但今晚总算结束了。Room for one more? For the past month observant Muslims across the world have refrained from eating or drinking anything from dawn to sunset in a show of spiritual devotion, but that ends tonight

Time to eat... lots: Eid is a particularly special time for children, who are often given presents

开斋节是一个特别的节日,孩子们可以豪放地吃了,往往还能够拿到谁给的礼物呢。Time to eat... lots: Eid is a particularly special time for children, who are often given presents

Party time: Tonight is the start of a three-day national holiday in Bangladesh, where people will take time to visit friends and family as well as attend mass religious gatherings

相会的时间:今晚开始为期三天的国定假日,在孟加拉国,那里的人们总算有时间来探亲访友以及参加群众宗教集会。Party time: Tonight is the start of a three-day national holiday in Bangladesh, where people will take time to visit friends and family as well as attend mass religious gatherings

End of Ramadan rush: Men cling on to carriages wherever they are able as the packed passenger train prepares to make its way out of Dhaka, taking hundreds back to their families in the surrounding areas

男人女人们攀附上一切能够攀附着火车的地方,拥挤难不倒达卡周边地区数以百计的火车乘客。End of Ramadan rush: Men cling on to carriages wherever they are able as the packed passenger train prepares to make its way out of Dhaka, taking hundreds back to their families in the surrounding areas

Can you move down please? Conditions on Dhakar's packed public transport make the London rush hour seem like a leisurely journey in luxury in the First . carriages of the Orient Express

喂!车上的你,你能否再向什么地方移动一些好吗?孟加拉国Dhakar的公共交通条件犹如伦敦的上班高峰时节,又似乎处​​在奢华悠闲的“东方快车”的一等车厢旅途中。外媒在说反话,真是的!Can you move down please? Conditions on Dhakar's packed public transport make the London rush hour seem like a leisurely journey in luxury in the First Class carriages of the Orient Express

Last ditch bid: Passengers help a woman jump from a bridge onto an overcrowded train to travel home for Eid

一个女人欲从桥上跳下那辆拥挤的火车以回家过开斋节。Last ditch bid: Passengers help a woman jump from a bridge onto an overcrowded train to travel home for Eid

A man prepares to catch the woman as she lets go, while another prepares to climb down from the bridge

一名男乘客帮助从桥上爬下来的女人。A man prepares to catch the woman as she lets go, while another prepares to climb down from the bridge

Risky business: Ferry passengers take their lives in their hands by clinging on to the sides of the packed vessel departing the Sadarghat ferry terminal on the outskirts of Dhaka earlier today

昨天早些时候的达卡郊外,Sadarghat渡轮码头漫布风险:渡轮乘客拿自己的生命在挤他们悲壮的回家路。Risky business: Ferry passengers take their lives in their hands by clinging on to the sides of the packed vessel departing the Sadarghat ferry terminal on the outskirts of Dhaka earlier today

Festive: Crowds gather at the terminal as they wait to board the ferries to take them down the Buriganga river

节日:人群聚集在四周,迫不及待地设法登上渡船。Festive: Crowds gather at the terminal as they wait to board the ferries to take them down the Buriganga river

Comfy? Bangladeshis sit on blankets laid out on the packed ferry as they rush home to be with their families

可以回家与家人团聚啦。孟国香迎开斋节,却赶悲壮回家路......Comfy? Bangladeshis sit on blankets laid out on the packed ferry as they rush home to be with their families .











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1 回复 小皮狗 2013-8-8 13:49
“ 一个女人欲从桥上跳下那辆拥挤的火车以回家过开斋节”的照片,看上去真的好危险!
2 回复 tsueict 2013-8-8 19:54
(still) Better conditions than those during our annual Spring Festival ?!
2 回复 越湖 2013-8-9 00:55
2 回复 jc0473 2013-8-9 02:49

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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