
作者:ryu  于 2013-8-14 12:07 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


 33岁的美国女艺术家Trina Merry善长风流的人体彩绘,Merry注意到她家乡加利福尼亚州旧金山市漫街墙壁和建筑物上的涂鸦"壁画",于是突来灵感,就地取材创作了与城市涂鸦"壁画"天然一体的全新的艺术裸体画作。
错综复杂,符合旧金山当地的"标签" ,艺术家的灵感常常展現了Trina Merry的追求: "傲慢与寻求!"
下面就是英国記者捕捉到的Trina Merry就地取材创作的街道视觉风流人体彩绘作品。
  Camouflaged: Artist Trina Merry painstakingly uses body paint to disguise models against graffiti

Artist Trina Merry painstakingly uses body paint to disguise models against graffiti

Disguised: The artist takes inspiration from the murals and tags around her native San Francisco   Disguised: The artist takes inspiration from the murals and tags around her native San Francisco

Disguised: The artist takes inspiration from the murals and tags around her native San Francisco

Intricate: It can take Trina up to eight hours to a complete a complex camo painting

Intricate: It can take Trina up to eight hours to a complete a complex camo painting

 Behind the scenes: The artist is assisted as she attempts to blend a model into a mural

Behind the scenes: The artist is assisted as she attempts to blend a model into a mural

Popular: Trina (pictured right with one of her models) has a line of volunteers as her reputation in the city grows   Popular: Trina (pictured right with one of her models) has a line of volunteers as her reputation in the city grows

艺术家Trina Merry(上図右者)其実有一批要好的志愿模特。

Introduction: The artists first used body paint when she was at a rock concert and was painted on stage

Introduction: The artist first used body paint when she was at a rock concert and was painted on stage

Concealed: Only the model's feet are instantly noticeable after she is blended into the intricate design

Concealed: Only the model's feet are instantly noticeable after she is blended into the intricate design

Hidden: The camouflage is so convincing that passers-by are shocked when they realise a model is there

Hidden: The camouflage is so convincing that passers-by are shocked when they realise a model is there

One-off: Some of the artist's pieces can never be reproduced because the murals change

One-off: Some of the artist's pieces can never be reproduced because the murals change

下图為 33岁的美国女艺术家Trina Merry。

On the look out: Trina said she has to be 'responsive' to street art as it changes or is destroyed so quickly

On the look out: Trina said she has to be 'responsive' to street art as it changes or is destroyed so quickly











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发表评论 评论 (8 个评论)

3 回复 jc0473 2013-8-14 12:33
3 回复 tsueict 2013-8-14 19:07
Nice blending with different taste. - better than each of the two along.
2 回复 黄笑吾 2013-8-14 23:12
哈哈哈哈, 喜欢。
4 回复 小雨点0514 2013-8-15 04:03
3 回复 ryu 2013-8-16 10:38
小雨点0514: 同楼上的。    
5 回复 ryu 2013-8-16 10:39
黄笑吾: 哈哈哈哈, 喜欢。
3 回复 ryu 2013-8-16 10:41
tsueict: Nice blending with different taste. - better than each of the two along.
conforming to good taste...
4 回复 ryu 2013-8-16 10:42
jc0473: 涂鸦艺术

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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