
作者:涓霓  于 2013-3-1 18:57 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


飞飞写东西从来不肯给我看,昨晚她实在忙不过来就允许我打杂,让我把她的草稿打到word文档里去,我欣喜若狂, 一边打一边看叹为观止,可惜我水平不够个别字不认识,偷偷另存了个版本,有空查字典看看。9岁半啊,7月中10岁。

Oceanic Bird: Mystery of the Deep

Being the top marine biologist in town, my boss had asked me to search for whatever was making the BLOOP noise but after a while I thought I was never going to find it. The Atlantic Ocean was welcoming, but I already felt like giving up. Then I thought, “I’ve already searched for countless hours and thousands of km, why give up now?” Even though I was tired, I told myself to keep going. After a while, I was so tired, I decided to take a break. As I sat down on a soft, multicoloured rock, I realized I had sat down on the creature that was making the bloop noise! All that searching had finally paid off.

This was the best moment of my life. I could not believe it. I finally found the creature that made the bloop noise! But just as I was going to capture its image, the equipment failed. Wow. Just what I needed. Fearing I was never going to be believed, I sped back to my backpack to get my pencil, pencil crayons and paper. Trying to capture every single little detail, I started to sketch this beast. The smooth multicoloured feathers made a cushion as I started to sketch its yellow/orange beak. While I drew its multicoloured Mohawk, its shiny multicoloured scales seemed to shine extra brightly as if they wanted attention. By then, I had already sketched its long, silky feathers and its pin and purple “mermaid” tail. Judging by its neon green bird-like head with the pink streak in between its eyes, it probably didn’t mind me drawing it. I was almost done now. I just had to draw its neon green penguin flipper, its neon green frog feet, its dark, gentle brown eyes and its pink tongue. When I finished, I decided to name it the Oceanic Bird because it looked like it was half bird and half mermaid. I also noticed when you compare my drawing to the actual creature, they were almost the exact same. Maybe those two hours I just spent on my sketch wasn’t such a waste of time after all!

Hoping this was a friendly creature, I suddenly realized I wasn’t sitting on the Oceanic Bird anymore! I wondered how on earth it had left without me noticing. Floating in the depths of the ocean, I decided this was just too massive of a discovery and I couldn’t let it go to waste. When I caught up with it, I got wrapped up in its tail. Afraid it was trying to strangle me, my hope of it being friendly faded into darkness but then I noticed it was just preventing me from falling into a bottomless pit which made my hope rush back to me. After spending a few more minutes in its curled tail, I finally realized it meant no harm at all and it was friendly but shy so no one has ever seen it. As it lowered me onto solid ground, I noticed it nibbling on something green. Curious, I swam closer to get a better look. Turns out, it was eating seaweed. Wanting to find out more about this beast, I held out a little fish in my one hand. In my other, I had more seaweed. While I waited for it to choose from its choices, I wondered what else I could try. Once it chose the seaweed, I tried another pair: seaweed and some shrimp. Once again it chose the seaweed. After I completed this process with seaweed and a few other edible thins, I came to a conclusion: This creature ate seaweed and seaweed only. Hopefully its considered a healthy diet!

All of a sudden, a loud, foghorn-like “BLOOP” noise filled the ocean. Startled, I jumped back in surprise and almost tumbled back into the dark, black pit. Once I recovered, I noticed another large dark shape swimming towards us. As got closer, I realized there were more than one of this type of creature. Guessing the two creatures were male and female, I thought maybe the “BLOOP” noise is to attract mates. Then it made a second “BLOOP” noise probably to show affection. This time it was softer but I payed close attention to how the sound was made. It seemed like all it had to do was open its yellow and orange beak which made a bubble and created the sound. After, it popped the bubble by snapping shut its beak which sent the sound kilometres away. Finally satisfied, I swam back to my sub to go back home and tell everyone about my discovery. Who knows what I’ll find next?









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2 回复 yulinw 2013-3-1 19:14
2 回复 涓霓 2013-3-1 19:16
yulinw:          这下知道碗没有白刷啦~·
1 回复 猪扒戒 2013-3-1 21:04
2 回复 liuguang 2013-3-3 12:26
2 回复 涓霓 2013-3-4 09:08
liuguang: 太厉害了吧?天才啊
1 回复 liuguang 2013-3-4 09:18
涓霓: 谢谢,还真刚考上那个天才班,现在五年级
2 回复 涓霓 2013-3-5 03:17
liuguang: 看看,俺有一双发现天才的眼睛,您有养育天才的本事

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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