
作者:wcat  于 2013-3-29 02:43 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村




After a lot of theorizing, postulating, and non-human trials, it looks like bionic eye implants are finally hitting the market — first in Europe, and hopefully soon in the US. These implants can restore sight to completely blind patients — though only if the blindness is caused by a faulty retina, as in macular degeneration (which millions of old people suffer from), diabetic retinopathy, or other degenerative eye diseases.

The first of these implants, Argus II developed by Second Sight, is already available in Europe. For around $115,000, you get a 4-hour operation to install an antenna behind your eye, and a special pair of camera-equipped glasses that send signals to the antenna. The antenna is wired into your retina with around 60 electrodes, creating the equivalent of a 60-pixel display for your brain to interpret. The first users of the Argus II bionic eye report that they can see rough shapes and track the movement of objects, and slowly read large writing.

The second bionic eye implant, the Bio-Retina developed by Nano Retina, is a whole lot more exciting. The Bio-Retina costs less — around the $60,000 mark — and instead of an external camera, the vision-restoring sensor is actually placed inside the eye, on top of the retina. The operation only takes 30 minutes and can be performed under local anesthetic.

Basically, with macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy, the light-sensitive rods and cones in your retina stop working. The Bio-Retina plops a 24×24-resolution (576-pixel!) sensor right on top of your damaged retina, and 576 electrodes on the back of the sensor implant themselves into the optic nerve. An embedded image processor converts the data from each of the pixels into electrical pulses that are coded in such a way that the brain can perceive different levels of grayscale.

The best bit, though, is how the the sensor is powered. The Bio-Retina system comes with a standard pair of corrective lenses that are modified so that they can fire a near-infrared laser beam through your iris to the sensor at the back of your eye. On the sensor there is a photovoltaic cell that produces up to three milliwatts — not a lot, but more than enough. The infrared laser is invisible and harmless. To see the Bio-Retina system in action, watch the demo video embedded below.

Human trials of Bio-Retina are slated to begin in 2013 — but like Second Sight, US approval could be a long time coming. It’s easy enough to hop on a plane and visit one of the European clinics offering bionic eye implants, though. Moving forward, multiple research groups are working on bionic eyes with even more electrodes, and thus higher resolution, but there doesn’t seem to be any progress on sensors or encoder chips that can create a color image. A lot of work is being done on understanding how the retina, optic nerve, and brain process and perceive images — so who knows what the future might hold.










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0 回复 早安太阳 2013-3-29 04:20
0 回复 wcat 2013-3-29 04:22
早安太阳: 不错,贵不贵?
0 回复 心如水 2013-3-29 05:55
1 回复 wcat 2013-3-29 21:01
心如水: 科学进步值得庆贺,但用不着否定中医。各有千秋。是不是反中医走火入魔了?
0 回复 心如水 2013-3-30 00:22
wcat: 中医理论连视觉都搞不清,还是去补肝吧,这个是绝对不可能的。
0 回复 wcat 2013-3-30 00:25
心如水: 尊重科学的人会对大自然心存敬畏,对未知的领域存着好奇和求知欲,不会侮辱科学和研究成果。对自己缺少的知识的领域不会乱发表意见,更不要说侮辱和批判。但愿你 ...
1 回复 心如水 2013-3-30 00:41
wcat: 中医理论连人体的基本功能都说不清,你让我说什么呢?
1 回复 wcat 2013-3-30 00:50
心如水: 你自己不懂而已
0 回复 心如水 2013-3-30 02:27
wcat: 那你来说说。
0 回复 wcat 2013-3-30 02:41
心如水: 整个中医理论都是在讲人体的基本功能,脏器之间的联系以及互为因果的不同病症。你如果不能理解,大概是没有好好读过。反对之前要好好读书,深入了解,并读懂临床 ...
0 回复 心如水 2013-3-30 03:49
wcat: 别说那么多,五大感觉你随便解释哪个都行。你说那么多有什么用,一个也没解释。
0 回复 wcat 2013-3-30 03:50
心如水: 不和你说啦,看书别翻得太快,慢慢看,能理解。正牌的中西医都不参与讨论,嫌水平太低,我们两个业余的都算不上就别搅和了。结论是中西医会并存,最终会殊路同归 ...
0 回复 心如水 2013-3-30 05:18
wcat: 你自己都不知道怎么能去说服别人?这里的中医们都不敢上阵,别说你了!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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