Acient Chinese Wisdom-White Out, Black in

作者:RunYang  于 2011-6-4 03:02 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Once upon a time, there was a man named Yang Zhu, who was rich but also had a lot of wisdom. His words and philosophies were always refered to and copied by others, even till now in current days. But today, our story is not about him but his little brother, Yang Bu.
One day Bu was going out to visit his frieds. As you can imagine, a rich yong man paid serious attention to his image. So that day he dressed himself in white, which was definitely different to most other people who had to work hard in the fields. He had a good time. When it was time to go home, it rained. But Bu didn't care too much of it, he loved rain as a romantic young man. He walked slowly in the rain and enjoyed it. Finally the rain became heavy and his outfit was totally wet. He took off his white gown and his black underclothes exposed.
When he showed up in the door, his dog, which was watching the door all the time, couldn't recognize him and bark at him hardly. Bu was enraged by his dog and began to kick it.
Yang zhu heard of the noiuses, stopped Bu and said to him: what would you think if you have your dog went out in white fur but came back with black fur? Will you feel strange and be suspicious to it?
What we learned from this story? Look into yourself when you are treated unfairly. Ask yourself is it your own problem?
Keep your mind open, don't blame your employees for something going wrong, he is just doing his job. It is you who need to be corrected. Cool down yourself, otherwise you would intensify the contradiction and make things worse.
Stupid dog! Never knows how to adapt new situations. You need to look through appearance and look into inside contents. Don't be puzzled by what you see, but focus yourself on true core contants.









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