God is calling us to save Ameirca

作者:天国蜜女  于 2019-6-19 09:08 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村

作者分类:ESTHER MEDIA|通用分类:流水日记


For a long long time, I have not to visit my Facebook. Because I do not like the founder of the company.
This morning somehow I went there, I was so pleased to read a few posts by a  girl from China.
This girl is a very strong Christian. I have enjoyed studying her posts. She has been posing a good bible study on Facebook. Later on, We had a very good chat on the phone.
She told me is that the GOD calling her to share the gospel to the Americans. It is our time to love back Americans and save  American.
God is working! 
Last year, I went to my dear sister's home. I met a sister from Russia that shared the same vision that God is using  nonnative American to save Amerians

A few days ago, One of the Chinese American  professors was on the FOX NEWS. He against the politically correct in his class and of his students agreed with him and became conservatives.I do not know if he is a Christian or not.He is saving America 

 God help us and use us 


For a long long time, I have not  visited my Facebook because I do not like the founder of the company.This morning somehow I went there, I was so pleased to read a few posts by a  girl from China.

This girl is a very strong Christian. I have enjoyed studying her posts. She has been posting a good bible study on Facebook. Later on, We had a very good chat on the phone.
She told me that  GOD is calling her to share the gospel to the Americans. It is our time to love back to  Americans and save  America.
Last year, I went to my dear sister's home. I met a sister from Russia that shared the same vision that God is using  nonnative American to save America.

A few days ago, One of the Chinese American  professors was on  FOX NEWS. He was against the politically correct in his class and most of his students agreed with him and became conservatives.  I do not know if he is a Christian or not. He is saving America.

 God help us and use us 
God is working!










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