Septeber 1--f you could help me correct my grammar mistake.I will appreciat very

作者:天国蜜女  于 2019-9-2 07:21 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村

作者分类:ESTHER MEDIA|通用分类:流水日记

Septeber 1

From today on ,I am going to keep diaries .

Today is the first day for students go to school .I am a student of the Lord God forever. For few years I have been learning English . It is not for being a saleswoman only.believe that the Lord God has his mission in me. 

.O ! . Lord God . Please help me !

O ,Lord God .Please help me as you helped Moses .

O ,Lord God .Please help me as you helped Joshua.

O ,Lord God .Please help me as you helped Dipola 

O ,Lord God .Please help me as you helped Esther 

You are the one yesterday ,today tomorrow is the same. 
Use me to pray for American! For preach the Gosble 

O,Lord God ,Please help me to finish your mission!

Dear friends in my wechat 

If you could help me correct my grammar mistake.I will appreciat very much .

Septeber 1

From today on ,I am going to keep diaries .

Today is the first day of  students go to school .I am a student of the Lord God forever. For a few years I have been learning English . It is not for being a saleswoman only.I believe that the Lord God has his mission for  me. 

.O ! . Lord God . Please help me !

O ,Lord God .Please help me as you helped Moses .

O ,Lord God .Please help me as you helped Joshua.

O ,Lord God .Please help me as you helped Dipola 

O ,Lord God .Please help me as you helped Esther 

You are the one yesterday ,today tomorrow is the same. 
Use me to pray for America! To preach the gospel.

O,Lord God ,Please help me to finish your mission!

Dear friends in my wechat 

If you could help me correct my grammar mistake.I would appreciate it  very much .









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