Septeber 5--My friend

作者:天国蜜女  于 2019-9-6 05:14 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村

作者分类:ESTHER MEDIA|通用分类:流水日记


My friend.

Friend is another family . I do not know who said it . But most times I agreed with it.When you need to talk to someone and the one always there ready to listen to you .How wonderful it is .So many times you just need a listener when you feel upset or down.

This question is who will be there ready for you when you need it?24 hours 7days a week ? I do think there is a good friend can be that good .If you have one .I thank to God for you very much .

I must admired I have one person is my husband. Anytime when I need talk to some , He is there always . No matter how much he is sleepy . He loves to listen to and chat with me .

But last mouth when I need made a decision of my work , My husband's phone is not working . Frankly , It happens a few times .

When I need him , He is not there .
Who will be there with me when I need help !

When we need help .He is the one always there waiting for us !How does he talk to us ?

The bible .The church . Himself !

When we feel alone that means Jesus is waiting for us to close to him.
When more close to him, We will more like him
Jesus is my dear friend ever and forever always .

My friend.

Friend is  another family . I do not know who said it . But most times I agreed with it.When you need to talk to someone,They are always there ready to listen to you .How wonderful it is .So many times you just need a listener when you feel upset or down.

The real question is who will be there ready for you when you need it?24 hours 7days a week ?.Good friend that can bei that good . I do think there is a good friend can be that good .If you have one .I thank to God for you very much .

The one person I  admire the most is  my husband. He is there always there . No matter how much sleepy he is  . He loves to listen to and chat with me .
Last  mouth when I need made a decision about  my work , My husband's phone was  not working . Frankly , It happens a few times .

When I need him , He is not there .
Who will be there with me when I need help !

When we need help .He is the one always there waiting for us !How does he talk to us ?

The bible .The church . Himself !

When we feel alone that means Jesus is waiting for us to close to him.
When more close to him, We will more like him.The closer we are to him 
Jesus is my friend always and forever.









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