2020-01-12 第一篇全英文美国问题文章-美国应该向中国学习

作者:天国蜜女  于 2020-1-12 08:22 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



Many years ago. A Taiwanese  lady said to me"Look, I and my husband have been waiting for more than 10 years have just got our Green Card. But the illegal immigrants have got everything they need at once. Let us write a blood letter to The government to protest illegal immigrants ".

I never can forget her words.

Drug dealers and illegal immigrants are a problem in many areas in America. The drug dealers maybe have been joined by Illegal immigrants. They broke God's law and America's law. Laws are the foundation of national security. It is common sense.

Drug dealers and illegal immigrants out of nowhere to do something to hurt American citizens and it seems you can do nothing about it.

Every year, Drug dealers cause heavy damage to American society like "the killing".etc.This is the truth everyone knows it.

Now our President Trump President and his administration are fighting back. It brings hope to our country and more peace for many families.

I believe that America must introduce a program to protect Americans with a law which is any drug dealer must die. The plan was very successful in other countries, like China.

Please ignore all the bleating and do us the favor of ridding the world of heroin dealers and illegal immigrants.









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