
作者:天国蜜女  于 2020-5-10 08:14 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村

作者分类:ESTHER MEDIA|通用分类:流水日记


Hi Everyone, This is Esther from the Esther's Media

2020 seems a hard year for all of us, But I call it a wonderful year. Since the CCP virus each of us muse stay at home , It helps us think about the meaning of life. Thinking about life will save our life.

Maybe you think a lot 

How much time do I spend on my family?

How much money could I get?

How many places I have not visited  yet?

How many  friends do I have?

But I would  like you to think about 

Who is God?

What is the love letter from God?

How much time do you spend on God?

Do you know how to pray?

How many sins do you confess and repent of ?

How did the  US come to this place today?

How much power do we have? A tiny virus can beat the world. Without almighty God , actually, we are nothing , We could lose  everything in a moment.

No matter whether you are a litter guy or you are a prime minister,you are a movie star or you a doctor. It does not matter . The matter is our life is not in our hands.

So many times  we do not like to see the truth, the truth will hurt us deeply. I say the truth sets us free.

Yes , We are nothing , but God is everything 

Yes , We are powerless , but God is powerful.

Yes, We are losing, but  God is the winner 

All thing depends on do you trust God or not

In the wold, there is only one  true God,He’s  name is Jesus .

Acts 4.12 You can’t be saved by believing in anyone else. God has given people no other name under heaven that will save them.”

Each person who turns to God in genuine repentance and faith will be saved.

The bible tells us "Romans 8:28 

We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. He appointed them to be saved in keeping with his purpose.

The CCP virus is a good opportunity for God to help America become a stronger leader of  the world  . The CCP virus teaches us lessons:

Knowledge and education cannot change people's hearts

Democracy and freedom are not good medicine to save a  country by themselves

The only way to save ourselves and the world is the gospel of Jesus.

Haggai 2.9 says  “The new temple will be more beautiful than the first one was,” says the Lord. “And in this place, I will bring peace,” announces the Lord who rules over all.

Let us do not forget how religious ideas and spiritual experiences have shaped America's public life over the last 400 years. American has been blessed by the bible from the beginning until today which is the love letter from God to us 

If we Americans keep the faith in God , No worries , God will fight for us and the newer American will be more beautiful than the first one was.

American is on the way back !

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