大学英文写作第二课作业题 I like "Not yet"

作者:天国蜜女  于 2020-6-24 13:24 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


I like "Not yet"

           "You are so stupid," "You are good for nothing ", "You will be so poor all your life".Etc.

             Those are the evaluations I had all my school life when I was in China. The only nice memory I have is  "Your writing is good and read more novels maybe it will improve your skill  " from my Chinese teacher.

          Encouragement is not part of Chinese culture.

           I believed I could not do anything good for the world. I just hated myself so much.

          Many, many years later, I married to an American missionary when I was 35 years old. He sent me to a Chinese language bible school after I had arrived in the US for three months because I could only speak a little 


           I had never gone to a college in China before I came to the US. I did not understand what the professor was talking about in the class even in Chinese.

             I cried! 

             To be a bible school student and missionary had been my dream for many years. The opportunity was at hand but it seemed it would be lost.

          My husband did not know Chinese and could not help. But he said to me, "Do not worry. I know you very well. If you keep trying and do not give up, you will be doing a better job than most of your Chinese friends and even American women ".

         I trusted the calling by God and my husband.

       After ten years  I had gotten a bachelor's degree, a master's degree, and a doctor’s degree in the Chinese language around ten years later.I had published five books.

           Some girls got healing after they had read my book. I became a speaker and helped heal people's broken marriages,  I have worked at 4 American companies and have two Youtube channels.      

                   Today, I am a writer, 

                                I am a worker,

                                 I am a Youtuber and it is my honor to be a student at Chaffey College to start a new journey. I am a very happy lady.

                     English as a spoken language is my third and as a written language is my second.

              Dear professors and classmates: I need your encouragement!

              I will teach Chinese people to always tell their children "Not yet".




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