
作者:天国蜜女  于 2020-7-28 00:58 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村

作者分类:ESTHER MEDIA|通用分类:流水日记

Yesterday, YOUTUBE deleted my video about some good medicine to treat the virus.
I received a letter from YOUTUBE. The letter said that all news about the virus can only be based on WHO. The letter also said that somebody reports about my video. I do not belives it.
But let us not forget. The WHO lied. The chairman of the WHO is a liar.
Today, what YOUTUBE deleted was not my video, what they deleted was freedom of speech.
Why do many Christians believe in lies? Because of a lot of false propaganda in the media. An American Christian sister told me that the United States has the largest number of deaths due to the virus in the world. She will never see the real videos about China on Chinese Twitter. Many Chinese people risk being punished to report the real situation to the world on Twitter. Unfortunately, they do not speak English. And Americans will never go to Chinese. Therefore, I must tell the truth.
Truth sets us free. The truth sets us free

Aaron Steven
Monica Baldwin
lu cathy

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