
作者:天国蜜女  于 2020-8-30 07:41 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村

作者分类:English Diary|通用分类:流水日记|已有2评论


















I am a good student 
Having the opportunity to be a student is one of life's great blessings, and learning can help us to better understand ourselves and the world. Knowing who we are can help us more mature and a mature life can help us live a better life. There are many blind spots in our lives, so we learn to know the world through learning. Knowing the world includes other people in life and things that happen in the world. So, I always like to learn and I always like to be a student. And it has been proved that I am a good student.

I aspire to be a writer

My writing skill was very good since I was a young girl, it probably inherited it from my mother. My essay is always posted on the wall as a good example to other students. Being a writer was my dream since I was a girl. In that time there were not so many good novels to read and it was not a good attitude to read the novels as a middle school student.My mother would have very upset with me. My mother would have hoped I just finished the homework and would got a good grade and the good grade means you are a good student.

I had been keeping write my diary after I have got my job. In that time, One of my friend had been working for a newspaper,She had asked me to write a poem for her, and I did. But the dream about becoming a writer was totally disappeared.It is almost a joke that someday I can be a writer.

I  got married to an American missionary in  2001. I had joined a bible school after I have arrived in the USA. There were three languages in the school which were English, Korean language and Chinese. I joined the Chinese one of course since I know a little, little English. My English test was zero. Very soon, I learned something to call a blog on the internet. I began to write the blog daily. For a while, The idea about become a writer flashed again. I had been keeping write an essay every day. Sometimes only a few words, Sometimes I was able to finished essays at once.I wrote 300 essays in a year then I tried to send the essays to the newspaper and magazines in LA and it worked very well. I never experienced the rejection of my essays.
Almost eleven years later, I published four books and they all are on Amazon now. My essays are published in Taiwan, China, and America.
I won first prize for Chinese fiction worldwide and second and third prize for Chinese essays. I got a lot of RMB as prizes. My husband was so proud of me despite he doesn't read Chinese.
Writing is always with lone but I have no fear of loneliness, I enjoy loneliness.

Am I able to be an English writer?

I had been in the Chinese church after I have came to the US. I did not 
learning English seriously. I feel so bad about it now. I had a lot of time to stay at home because I don't need to work to support my family. I really should spend more time learning English but I did not. I spend so much time on watched the Chinese TV show. Although my classmate from the bible school had reminded me to learn English six hours per day. I have been living with my English speaking husband only, my English level still very low. My husband understands everything the thoughts I want to express, It make me misunderstand that my English is good enough for life.

Three years ago, God reminded me that you must learn English well. I just woke up. I was sorry for myself. Learning English requires memory, and every year old is hard. For three years, I spend a lot of time formally learning English. Starting with the standard pronunciation of the 26 letters of the alphabet. The simplest sentences were repeatedly read aloud so that there was no mistake in the grammar.

I am an impatient person, and impatience is my most notable personality. I loathe this flaw. This flaw shows up in learning English as well. Sometimes a mispronunciation, my husband repeatedly corrects me. I was so angry that I threw the English book in my hands far away. All of them told me that if you want to learn English well, you have to be completely immersed in English all the time. You can no longer read Chinese, speak Chinese, or listen to Chinese. For the first three months, I did it. After three months, I couldn't take it anymore. I spent a lot of time in the Chinese world again. I don't think my English is improving. A friend I hadn't seen in five or six years was amazed by my English progress, and I was still in disbelief.

After learning Chinese, it became apparent to me that my Chinese writing was regressing. I used to be able to sit down and write an article and get it published as soon as I submitted it. However, since I learned English, I don't want to write in Chinese at all, and my English isn't improving.

I study, and give up, and give up, and study again. I'm in trouble with English. I can't help but read English news and books when I want to read Chinese news first, and I can't help but write English diaries when I want to write English. I gave up again.
I never had the dream of becoming an English writer, but now that I'm seriously studying English, this dream of mine is starting to be born. I wonder if in ten years I will be able to use English as well as Chinese?

Calling and learning

Believe it or not, in China, I didn't even get my junior high school diploma. I barely got my high school diploma until two years after I left school. Believe it or not, today, I finished my college, master's, and doctoral courses in the United States. All of these courses were in the Chinese language.
In my middle age, I started studying English in earnest and even gave birth to the dream of being an English writer again, which I know will be difficult to achieve. But if I am on the road, why give up?
If you have a dream, you are a good student, and if you can work hard to achieve your dream, you are a good student. This is what I believe and this is what I do. I believe that I am a good student.
I am thankful to the community college and to Mr. Philip for helping me on my journey to make my dream come true.









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2 回复 追求永生 2020-9-2 06:35
2 回复 天国蜜女 2020-9-3 02:02
追求永生: 加油!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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