
作者:天国蜜女  于 2020-9-10 04:45 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村

作者分类:English Diary|通用分类:流水日记

A. Put spaces in the right places!myalarmclockringsathalfpastsevenandigetupfiveminuteslaterfirstig otothebathroomwhereiwashmyselfandbrushmyteeththenigotothekitchent ohavebreakfastieattoastandjamandidrinkcoldmilkafterbr eakfastigetreadyforschoolileavemyhouseateightoclockandcatc hthebusatquarterpastittakestwentyminutestogettoschool

学了两年英语,终于发现英文完全不适合我。为啥?我是个马虎之人。而英语的成功决定与细节。大小写,A OF THE 中国人很容易忘记。而上面的作业就是在练习细节。我都快爆炸了。不过,看到朋友来信表扬,我又鼓起勇气。昨天一朋友告诉我,她已经取得大学毕业证书(三年),可是,她的英语真正要找工作又不够。这让既震惊又心酸又一点点欣喜。


We are watching you on YouTube. Your English is improved greatly. Keep doing the right thing to serve and enjoying! Love you. Please say hi to brother Ken. Emmanuel.

My alarm clock rings at half-past seven and I get up five minutes later, first I go to the bathroom where I wash and brush my teeth then I go to the kitchen to have breakfast, I eat toast and jam and drink clod mike. After breakfast , I get ready for school , I leave my house at eight clock and catch the bus at quearter past. I take twenty minutes to get to school

Gopal and Nataki live near a  village in India. Gopal is a man and he is happy because he has his job. One day he catches a big
fish in his net; he is going to kill it when the fish opens its
mouth and starts to talk. It says, "Do not kill me, put me back in
the sea. I want to live!" So Gopal puts the fish back and goes
home. When he tells Nataki about the fish, she is angry. She
tells Gopal to go back to the river and ask the fish for some food and a new red dress. So Gopal goes back and the fish get into
his net. He tells the fish what Nataki wants, and the fish
answers, "She can't have what she wants. Put me back in the river and
go home!"
When Gopal gets home, he sees food on the table and Nataki is
in a new red dress. "Beautiful!" he says, "Are you happy 
now?" But Nataki is not happy and she tells her husband to go back
to the river and tells the fish for more things. Each time the fish
gives her what she wants but she is still not satisfied. Finally,
she wants to be in her country. When Gopal tells the fish,
it says again, "She can have everything she wants. Put me back
in the river and go home. And says ", Gopal!" When Gopal gets
home, Nataki is in her old house and all her new things have gone.
She is angry and tells him to go back to the river, but Gopal can not see the big fish. It jumps into his net again!









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