
作者:天国蜜女  于 2020-9-17 13:47 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村

作者分类:English Diary|通用分类:流水日记


I don’t have any time to waste, I just desire to spend all the time with people who follow Jesus Christ, no matter how busy I am ,Even if its just eating and drinking, every minute is helping my life grow. Today one oa the  America sister in the Lord asked me how to keep the time spent in isolation at home from being wasted. I think one of them is to start a Bible study with her on the phone tomorrow. She can learn the Bible from me and I can improve my English from her. Pray that God will move her heart.


Today ,From one of the speech study , the idea came to me that there is no need to talk about dreams for children in that country. Because it is more painful to the children if they can not to achieve them. If I had been there now , I would never have been able to realize my dream of becoming a writer. We can only teach our children to always do the rigththing and moral and keep the hope. That hope is the resurrection and return of Jesus Christ. Don't talk about ideals, talk about faith in China.


Today I Just enrolled in three courses at university: intermediate and advanced reading and writing and pronunciation. Also taking a church pastor course and a spiritual counseling course. Two magazine columns, two jobs, two youtube channels, two college courses, church....


It is cruel to talk about dreams to a child in a no free country and without human dignity. That is what I suddenly realized today. A child in that environment can only talk about faith. No matter who you are in Christ, the heavenly Father loves you, and He watches over you and leads and protects you.As long as you hold fast to Christ, read the Bible well, and pray without stopping, God will lead you to a life of peace. In this age of evil, a family that can live together in peace and harmony for the rest of their lives is extraordinary in itself!

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