The most beautiful career in the world.

作者:天国蜜女  于 2020-10-16 08:41 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村

作者分类:English Diary|通用分类:流水日记

The most beautiful career in the world.

There are many great career in the world, liberation revolutionary events, entertainment businesses, etc. In my opinion the greatest career in the world is to be a good mother. A mother is indispensable for the upbringing, education, and personality development of her children. What kind of mother can bring up what kind of child.

A mother raises her child.

The mother is the one who is pregnant with the child and his/her physical health and emotional well-being are very important to the child during pregnancy. The mother is the first person the child comes into contact with. The best quality milk cannot be compared to the mother's milk. The mother's own physical health is extremely important.

A good education from the mother

Mothers nurture their children and bring them up slowly, and children always trust their mothers more than their fathers at an early age. Mothers should provide the best schooling for their children. Or the mother can make momeschooling 

 A great mother is a great teacher. If a mother takes the time to learn more about everything, then she can provide her child with all kinds of knowledge and guidance.

A mother's personality influences her child's life.

What kind of mother raises what kind of child. A spiritually healthy mother brings faith, confidence, trust and joy to the family. A mother who is always complaining and angry makes her children live under a lot of stress. What a mother brings to her child's childhood will affect the child's spiritual health for the rest of his or her life.

There are many great career in the world, but the ultimate goal of the career is to have a better life for mankind. So, in my opinion, the most important thing in the world is people. And a mother is the one who nurtures that important human being. So, being an amazing mother is the greatest career in the world.









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