"There are no short guys in the world."

作者:i0u  于 2012-8-15 01:41 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


关键词:boss, game, previous, Chinese, company

Once during lunch hour in my previous company, we were chatting about my boss son’s hockey game over the weekend.

I was surprised about one kid who was so small in the team and my boss told me that I’d better never call a person being short in the public.

As confused as I was, I told my boss being short could mean high intelligence in Chinese culture. She laughed, and told me in North America, a person being short equals to very mean and/or aggressive personality (especially guys).

As we were chatting, KA, a not so tall Irish guy asked: “So, does that mean I am a mean person?”
My boss said to Kevin with a smiley face, ”Hey, KA, you are neither short, nor mean and aggressive, no, not at all. You are average.”

And then, my boss turned to me, said: ”Remember dear, there are no short guys in the world, all the guys are average.”

As everybody in the room giggled, KA stood up and said: ”Come on, you know that is purely BS!” suddenly, everyone was bursting into hysterical laughing.

Until now, once a while, I still can be surprised by the culture differences on a person being short.









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