Xi --- the short-life democrat

作者:i0u  于 2012-8-15 01:44 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


关键词:one, monitor, surprise, teacher, called

Xi was one of my classmates in high school, and we called him the short-life democrat.

Once, our teacher came up with an idea of having an election to choose the class monitor; with no requirements so that anyone can be named. To our teacher’s surprise, the wildest Xi was named by one of our classmates, and all the sudden, everybody thought that’d be a brilliant choice but our teacher. With highest votes in hand, Xi was elected.

The second day, during our self-study class, the teacher gave us the study topics and stepped out of the classroom. After a while, everybody started chatting, and suddenly, Xi stood up and slapped the table with his book. It was so loud, everybody shocked, and there was a couple of seconds of deadly silence in the classroom.

Xi then yelled:” let’s PARTY!”

Everybody in the class laughed and started throwing stuff at Xi, and we were just so happy at that time. The next thing happened, was that the principle showed up at door, and called Xi to her office.

The second day, our teacher announced a new class monitor and that was the end of Xi’s two days dynasty.

Sometimes even now, when the office is so quiet, I just feel like yelling:” Let’s PARTY!”









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