
作者:海攀  于 2011-3-30 22:22 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



























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1 回复 玉石 2011-3-30 23:33
1 回复 BL_518 2011-3-31 00:49
0 回复 海攀 2011-3-31 05:51
1 回复 海攀 2011-3-31 06:10
Hello, Smartman: 回复你昨天的贴子:

楚柴 gives very good comments and his points mostly agree with mine.

But, he misunderstood me when I discussed about Liu Juan.  Of course I understand Liu is not a main figure.  Xiao4 is also not a main figure.  To make Xiao4's behavious reasonable, the author did spare some space to outline his background.  However, the author did not give any background on Liu Juan.  So, I got a lot of questions on Liu Juan.  I did not ask for 比塑造平常人更多的细节支持. Rather, I only ask for minimal 细节支持 that could convince readers about Liu Juan.

Let me list a few queries briefly:
1.  I have never in my lifetime met a girl, who is beautiful, smart and diligent and constantly maintaining #1 in a best school either in China or US.  I can't believe in such a perfect figure.  How come she has been so motivated and studied so hard tirelessly?  What drove her all the years around?
2.  Why has Liu been so smart to always maintain #1 in a best school, even if she is a hard-worker?  How about her childhood, elementary, junior high and senior high school ages?
3.  How about her family background?  If Xiao4 can't afford US school application fee and Zheng can hardly afford (had not been for Yang's family help), how can Liu afford?
blah, blah, ...

In summary, I can't accept the existence of such a perfect figure, which is non-existent in real life, unless the author could render convincing details.

有的人天生聪明能干,你都不知道他/她的脑子是怎么长的。我年轻时碰到过一个校花,比刘娟更完美,到现在我也想不出她有什么缺点。我觉得她唯一的缺点就是---看不上我 :)


1 回复 smartman 2011-3-31 12:37
海攀: Hello, Smartman: 回复你昨天的贴子:

楚柴 gives very good comments and his points mostly agree with mine.

But, he misunderstood me when I discussed a ...
... "我年轻时碰到过一个校花,比刘娟更完美,到现在我也想不出她有什么缺点。"...

I didn't have such luck.  I can hardly imagine such a girl in the best college in China or US.  You can hardly find anyone consistently ranking #1 every year, not to mention a girl.  Anyway, that is your story and you are the author. :-)
2 回复 nnzzll 2011-3-31 21:17
海攀: Hello, Smartman: 回复你昨天的贴子:

楚柴 gives very good comments and his points mostly agree with mine.

But, he misunderstood me when I discussed a ...
6 回复 smartman 2011-3-31 21:36
nnzzll: 你很老吗
Nope, I don't think so.  The author should be Zheng Wei's age, fresh out of college in late 90s.  He could very likely be an early 80s or a late 70s. :-)
2 回复 nnzzll 2011-3-31 21:40
smartman: Nope, I don't think so.  The author should be Zheng Wei's age, fresh out of college in late 90s.  He could very likely be an early 80s or a late 70s.  ...
我觉得他最少late 70s。说不定是70-72年生人,现在38-40岁左右。
0 回复 smartman 2011-3-31 21:44
nope, i don't think he can be an early 70s.  his novel story does not seem to fit into college lives for an early 70s.
2 回复 海攀 2011-3-31 22:06
Thank you guys. Actually I am not Zheng Wei.

Author could be any age but the story is about late 90s to mid-00s.
1 回复 海攀 2011-3-31 22:11
smartman: ... "我年轻时碰到过一个校花,比刘娟更完美,到现在我也想不出她有什么缺点。"...

I didn't have such luck.  I can hardly imagine such a gir ...
She's learning Biology. For engineering or physics, mathematics, boys are better than girls.
4 回复 smartman 2011-3-31 22:15
海攀: Thank you guys. Actually I am not Zheng Wei.

Author could be any age but the story is about late 90s to mid-00s.
I never, ever thought you are Zheng Wei.  I just thought you were Zheng Wei's classmate or schoolmate.
1 回复 smartman 2011-3-31 22:19
海攀: She's learning Biology. For engineering or physics, mathematics, boys are better than girls.
Okay, I see the possible point.  Biology department has ~50% girls while engineering departments (typically CS or EE) has 10%-20% female in China's best school.  So, virtually in China's best school, girls can hardly sit constantly on number 1 seat in math/physics/engineering department.
1 回复 rongrongrong 2011-10-19 08:45

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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