假头巾事件华人游行-资敌助敌 愚不可及

作者:fighter8  于 2018-2-14 10:46 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村




To my fellow Chinese: please do not go to the protest for the #HijabHoax. You are being used by the right wing racists, instigated by those Chinese “activists” who are political opportunists engaged in using you to advance their personal agendas in Canadian politics. Beware!

The government has nothing to apologize for the #HijabHoax. No one including the girl's family would have reason not to believe her when the girl cried wolf. There are always bad apples in every community, why is Asian community an exception so people should doubt her story?

Especially there had been incident that an Asian man attacked Muslim mosques in the states. Few bad apples' criminal acts do not represent the Chinese community, won't subject us to Muslims' revenge as those #Chinese "activists" threatened for #HijabHoax. Big deal out of nothing

The current PM plays favorites for he spoke up for the Muslims quickly after the #HijabHoax story made to the press? It is his responsibility to do so given the recent Canadian experience of Montreal Massacre where 6 innocent lives lost to hate. Asians haven't got such attacks.

In a recent racist incident against the Chinese (video about Chinese restaurant), Ont. PM Wynne did speak up for us. Yes the govts are silent for most of the hate crimes on us, but they did not do their duty to us can't relieve them from doing their duty for others #HijabHoax

Only when we Asians fight back hate crimes can we expect the government to speak up for us. Like the Muslims & Black communities do. Yet you just do nothing when under attack, and then whine. The gov't would only help when a minority community's fight gets big powerful #HijabHoax

By "protest" for #HijabHoax you are joining force with the racist right wing to attack on another minority. It's a shame & ultimate stupidity for Chinese as a minority group has been a major target of racism & White supremacy, yet you are supporting & siding with your own enemy

Those White supremacist groups praising you today are the ones who attacked you yesterday. Forgot about this? - http://pub.***/upload_files/image/201611/20161129_14804457125303.gif … … and this http://www.chinaqw.com/hqhr/2016/12-02/115866.shtml … …#HijabHoax

Will the White supremacists accept you just because you helped them to attack another minority? NO. Because to accept you the Asians is to make their mission of "make Canada White again" impossible. If goal not attainable, why need help for the goal? Why need help for #HijabHoax?

To thoses Chinese who forgot who they are - Today it's Muslims, tomorrow it will be you. Those who hate Muslims will hate you even more.












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