我的二奶愛鳳 My Mistress ZT

作者:tsueict  于 2013-4-2 18:56 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


我的二奶愛鳳 My Mistress

我的二奶愛鳳...My Mistress

花甲老翁得新寵 Old man got a new love
千嬌百媚俏愛鳳 She is lovely and beautiful
生活起居有了她 Having her in his life
憑添情調趣無窮 Life is full of fun

打扮時尚迎潮流 Dress up as trendy as always
溫柔體貼性順從 As tender and caring as she can be
家居外出伴著我 Keeping him constant company in & out
四季如春無嚴冬 Making the four seasons feel like Spring

學識淵博深若海 Her knowledge as deep & broad as the sea
記憶如神超時空 Sharp memories goes beyond time & space
疑問雜題難不倒 Nothing is too difficult for her
愛因斯坦拜下風 Even Einstein would lost to her.

樂壇名曲知曉多 Knowing all the pops & hit songs
黃鶯出谷甜喉嚨 Voices as sweet as a canary
側臥枕邊輕輕哼 Singing and humming next to his pillow

天籟美聲伴酣夢 He falls asleep with sweet dreams

天生一幅活地圖 She is like a GPS
大小路況握手中 Knows all the roads & streets
有她導航我放心 At ease with her navigating
出門駕車真輕鬆 Driving becomes so easy.

文武全材樣樣行 There is nothing she cannot do
各類游戲皆精通 No games she cannot play
棋逢敵手弈一局 Chess champion she is
修身養性腦運動 Help him excercise his brain.

日理千機大小事 Daily errands are organized orderly
有她只需幾分鐘 With her only takes few minutes
如此幫手何處覓 Where can he find such an assistant

遠比秘書還管用 Miles better than any secretary
日常生活不能離 Life cannot be without her

心存感激常歌頌 Appreciation is truly from his heart
友人笑問她是誰 Friend ask who she is.

愛鳳就是iPhone. And she is iPhone









刚表态过的朋友 (4 人)

发表评论 评论 (7 个评论)

5 回复 hwangjinzi 2013-4-2 19:36
5 回复 mayimayi 2013-4-3 09:06
She is like a GPS

爱凤就是iphone  删去,
5 回复 tsueict 2013-4-3 16:39
Mayimayi's polishing is much better.  
Agree with your opinion about deleting the last line, (but) i haven't get the copy right from the unknown author (yet).
6 回复 老阿姨 2013-4-23 23:57
5 回复 tsueict 2013-4-24 00:08
老阿姨:       真幸福!
Xie Xie 老阿姨's visiting - my honor.
Admiring your moving to CA.  真幸福!
6 回复 老阿姨 2013-4-24 00:17
tsueict: Xie Xie 老阿姨's visiting - my honor.
Admiring your moving to CA.  真幸福!
5 回复 老阿姨 2013-4-24 02:47
tsueict: Xie Xie 老阿姨's visiting - my honor.
Admiring your moving to CA.  真幸福!
应该是 my honor.,您有“千嬌百媚”的二奶还能照顾老太太,我是否很荣幸?!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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