COVID19疫情众怒发泄的 加拿大/美国/中国版

作者:亦云  于 2020-6-1 00:25 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


去年底起始爆发于武汉的COVID19瘟疫像多米诺骨牌似的席卷全球(武汉----->湖北   -----> 中国 ----->  亚洲各国----->   欧洲  -----> 美洲(加拿大美国),迄今为止已经确诊600余万感染者(Total confirmed 6098804),褫夺了近37万人的生命(Global Deaths 369847),把全球70亿人囚禁在家几乎快半年了,人们心中积累的愤懑不满都已经到了爆发的临界点,就来掰掰疫情众怒发泄ing/发泄的加拿大/美国/中国,从发泄方式和发泄的cost来对比一下:



据加拿大广播公司(CBC)报道,周六加拿大一个由“勿再夺走另一黑人命”(Not Another Black Life)组织发起的游行集会,质疑黑人女子帕奎特日前在警员进入其24楼柏文单位后,从露台坠下死亡。周六在多伦多市中心举行,警方估计参加人数在3,500至4,000之间,期间并没有发生暴力事件。






由被居家隔离在武汉的作家方方记述武汉抗议的《方方日记》在国外出版被官媒冠以“给敌人递刀”的莫须有罪名开始,瞬间深受疫情之苦的武汉人发起网络上对方方的声讨,迅疾举国讨伐,就连替方方解围的人(数名大学教授被调查)都未能幸免,有些海外华人也立马由当初对于《方方日记》的跪拜立马加入指责方方的阵营。虽然中国因疫情导致的失业率几乎可以忽略不计(0.6%),但是中国官方的失业率统计数字 你懂得 (数亿农民工失业是不能计算在内的),网络围攻方方的粉红键盘侠水军多多的(监狱服刑囚犯发帖,因为发帖减刑的强大驱动力促使水军可以7/24发帖)。方方成了武汉乃至湖北以及中央该为COVID19疫情负责的各色官员的背锅侠。一石两鸟,武汉乃至国人的疫情众怒迅疾得到发泄,本该为隐瞒疫情延迟防疫负责的各级官员也逃脱了该有的问责。



由高到低以此是 美国>>加拿大>中国。 疫情众怒发泄cost对于美国和加拿大来说主要是执法警察的人力物力成本以及人员密集聚会导致COVID19感染的医护成本。美国的cost因为范围之广打砸抢烧之惨烈以及人数之众还有发泄时间持续之久而代价高昂。加拿大的发泄cost大概不到美国的1%,因为发泄集会仅仅发生在多伦多和猛吹而,多伦多的集会是和平的抗议游行,猛吹而的发泄在周日晚间发生了打砸个别店面的暴力行为,抗议者大多戴口罩还可以保持2米的Physical Distance,相对因为集会感染的可能性不高。中国的发泄cost完胜加拿大和美国,经济成本除过官媒舆论导向费用以及网络水军5毛大军的发帖5毛补助,具体多少不得而知,估计不会太高,囚犯都是以减刑相抵,0成本。至于武汉作家方方以及替方方伸张正义的教授们的精神损害则是无法估量的损失的,这在厉害国从来是官方不care的。


拿大以及美国警察和中国的作家方方都成了COVID19 的防疫不力以及疫情蔓延的背锅侠。该为此次瘟疫大流行负责的各级官员无论中国还是加拿大美国的都该暗自窃喜。














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8 回复 亦云 2020-6-1 00:29
How countries' employment rates have fared so far

Four out of five workers around the world – that's around 2.7 billion jobs – have had their workplace fully or partly closed by the coronavirus pandemic, and many people have been furloughed or lost their jobs. Governments around the world are working to try to stem the flow of job losses, with wage replacement and other programs to help avoid unemployment and keep people in work. Click or scroll through as we look at how successful, or not, they have been.
8 回复 亦云 2020-6-1 00:31
Japan: 0.01% of jobs lost

Non-essential businesses in Japan closed during the country's state of emergency. Encouraging furloughs rather than layoffs, the government pledged to pay up to 90% of wages for struggling businesses. Manufacturers including Toyota and Mitsubishi are among those furloughing workers. This has softened the blow of rising unemployment seen elsewhere, reducing the 67.4 million-person workforce at the start of the year by less than 0.01% in March, with just 60,000 jobs lost. However, the country's unemployment rate is expected to rise from 0.5% to 2.8%.
8 回复 亦云 2020-6-1 00:31
China: 0.6% of jobs lost

Local lockdown measures and a severe decline in demand for overseas exports while other countries deal with COVID-19 made layoffs unavoidable for many Chinese businesses. Samsung is reported to have laid off a third of its Chinese staff, and automakers across the country may have reopened factories but are not back to previous levels of production. China has 775 million people in its workforce, and 80 million workers have had to stop working due to the pandemic. In terms of permanent job losses, in the first two months of 2020 it was reported that five million people had been laid off, 0.6% of jobs. The urban unemployment rate peaked in February at 6.2% and this could rise further.
7 回复 亦云 2020-6-1 00:32
Israel: 6.3% of jobs lost

With four million people in employment at the start of the year, the number of people laid off or on unpaid leave accounts for nearly a quarter of the Israeli workforce, one of the highest worldwide. Aviation and tourism have taken a significant hit from lockdown measures. Around 25,000 hotel staff are laid off or on unpaid leave, and airline El Al has laid off at least 1,000 workers – a number likely to increase. According to the National Employment Service, of those seeking state support 6.3% have been laid off, and 89.8% are on unpaid leave. Just before the pandemic hit, Israel reported a record low unemployment rate of less than 4%, but this is now set to rise.
8 回复 亦云 2020-6-1 00:32
Russia: 14% of jobs lost

As part of lockdown President Vladimir Putin mandated workers would have a month off, paid, during April. However, companies without the cash to cover wages made layoffs. Government forecasts expect roughly 10 million Russians will have lost their job, 14% of the 71.9 million people employed. Russia's economy is also at risk due to its reliance on selling gas and oil, which have seen prices fall dramatically. If oil prices don't recover and remain at $35 per barrel it has been estimated that the Russian economy could decline by 4-6%. Unemployment at 4.7% currently remains steady.
7 回复 亦云 2020-6-1 00:33
Canada: 15% of jobs lost

Canada's 18.8-million-strong workforce has seen an unprecedented decline, with 15% of jobs affected. That's three million jobs, while another 2.5 million workers have reported working less than half their usual hours. Closing non-essential businesses as part of lockdown has affected retailers, while border closures have taken a toll on airlines, including 16,500 furloughs for Air Canada, and 6,900 jobs lost at WestJet. The government is paying 75% of wages for businesses affected by COVID-19, while the unemployment rate has more than doubled to 13% in April.
8 回复 亦云 2020-6-1 00:33
US: 24.7% of jobs lost

Furloughed American workers can now collect unemployment, along with those permanently laid off, as part of the country's stimulus package, and tens of millions have filed for it. Disney furloughed more than 40,000 workers, Best Buy some 50,000, and Macy’s announced most of its 125,000 staff would be sent home. Nearly 39 million Americans have lost their jobs in this global crisis, which is nearly 25% of the 157.7 million people employed in the US.
8 回复 亦云 2020-6-1 00:34
India: 25% of jobs lost

In lockdown since March, unemployment in India has run rampant across cities while the agriculture sector, deemed essential, remains strong. Lost jobs account for around a quarter of India’s nearly 500-million-strong workforce, although more than 40% of the population is employed in agriculture. Small businesses and laborers account for 91.3 million of the layoffs, while 17.8 million are salaried and another 18.2 million are self-employed. With a record-high unemployment rate of 8.7% at the start of lockdown, it has since grown to a huge 23.5%.
7 回复 john71 2020-6-2 07:41
6 回复 亦云 2020-6-2 08:44
john71: 无耻中共应该说在疫情中中共国的就业反而明显上升了,独裁者的话能作数,母猪一定也能上树!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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