The Lion Hero (3) The Plan

作者:汉娜神园  于 2012-1-4 23:25 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



“So, what’s the plan?”Satoshi asked, impatient.

“Yeah Kona, I am getting pretty bored here.”Sakura said losing her last nerve.

“Okay, first, we need to attract The Poachers.”Kona said.

“Then, we lead The Poachers to a police so they could catch them.”Kona said as she licked her side.

“Wait, where are we going to find a policeman?”Sakura asked.

Kona’s heart sank.

“I know!”Satoshi shouted.

“Really? Where?”Kona’s eyes darted from one side to another.

“When I was young, my Pa and Ma used to take me to a little police camp so we could steal their lunches.”Satoshi said.

“That’s not the question!”Kona yells, annoyed.

“The police camp is not far from here.”Satoshi replied, his eyes brimmed with tears.

“Sorry for yelling at you Satoshi.”Kona apologizes.

“It’s okay.”Satoshi replies still sad.

“Well, at least we know where the camp is.”Kona said happily.

“Now, let’s go steal a lunch from one of those policemen.”Kona said.

“Race you there!”All cats shouted at the same time.


(To be continued)



发表评论 评论 (16 个评论)

1 回复 丹奇 2012-1-4 23:37
Mommy want to take your sofa today! Good girl!  
1 回复 早安太阳 2012-1-4 23:55
1 回复 心隨風舞 2012-1-5 02:34
1 回复 卉樱果 2012-1-5 02:56
1 回复 远洋副船长 2012-1-5 03:29
想象力很丰富啊! 语气神态都兼备啊!
1 回复 丑女多做怪 2012-1-5 06:39
flower for you !
1 回复 roaming 2012-1-5 07:40
Good story teller, please continue.
2 回复 走过青春 2012-1-5 08:45

你很厉害!It‘s mean your story is very interesting, great!
4 回复 月亮天使 2012-1-5 09:57
good story! you are so creative! I love it!
2 回复 Cateye 2012-1-5 10:20
you write well. interesting story.
2 回复 Chi202 2012-1-5 10:40
can't wait for the next chapter!
3 回复 卉樱果 2012-1-5 11:03
your blog is so beautiful。你的博客真漂亮!
1 回复 无为村姑 2012-1-5 11:05
2 回复 天涯孤兔 2012-1-5 19:07
2 回复 Laile 2012-1-9 12:50
丹奇: Mommy want to take your sofa today! Good girl!   
2 回复 Laile 2012-1-9 12:52
we can learn English from you. Thank you for telling us the story.  

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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