
作者:瓷娃娃ChinaDoll  于 2012-1-4 07:59 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Horsies.......I LOVE THEM!;D And thats why I go to horseback riding every every every every every every Saturday :D!Its fantastic!I love them so much that I can't stop going there......Anyways,they are really nice :)....I ride GAITED HORSES(meaning:Trained horses [not the best definition]).Okayy so you hold onto the Reins........then you put your feet in Stirrups,heels down toes up ;D,what my instructor always says..........................since I love them so much,I want to have a mini farm with horses!!!When I grow up!!!!!!!!! :D Isn't that exciting?????????? :D

Okay well thats all i'm going to write....... if you want me to write more stories,just comment below! :) ~~~~~Horses ROCK~ <3









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1 回复 瓷娃娃ChinaDoll 2012-1-4 08:00
1 回复 白露为霜 2012-1-4 08:10
Ask you mom for a farm or at very least, a ranch.  
3 回复 白露为霜 2012-1-4 08:13
My younger daughter Xiaobao was very into horse back riding when she was in 5th grade. She is in college now. Horse back riding was fun, too her any ways.
1 回复 白露为霜 2012-1-4 08:18
Did you know the breed of the horse that you are riding? Xiaobao loved one particular white horse, Jassie. Jessie is a half Arabian and half American quarter-horse.
4 回复 oneweek 2012-1-4 08:19
These Ds stand for what? dad?
I wish I can ride a horse, too.  But I am afraid I am so heavy that I may break the horse's back.
4 回复 瓷娃娃ChinaDoll 2012-1-4 08:22
白露为霜: Ask you mom for a farm or at very least, a ranch.   
Oh,well she says,um uh my brother won't be too happy and...I'm thinking i'm WAY TOO young.......and I think it would cost alot.
1 回复 瓷娃娃ChinaDoll 2012-1-4 08:22
白露为霜: Did you know the breed of the horse that you are riding? Xiaobao loved one particular white horse, Jassie. Jessie is a half Arabian and half American  ...
I forgot the breeds.I ride many horses...
3 回复 瓷娃娃ChinaDoll 2012-1-4 08:23
oneweek: These Ds stand for what? dad?
I wish I can ride a horse, too.  But I am afraid I am so heavy that I may break the horse's back.
Oh hehe,well I don't think so because my brother wants to ride a horse...I think he rode one when he was young.But I guess you can try,its nice,and fun.
1 回复 白露为霜 2012-1-4 08:26
瓷娃娃ChinaDoll: Oh,well she says,um uh my brother won't be too happy and...I'm thinking i'm WAY TOO young.......and I think it would cost alot.
that's true. Here goes your brother's college money.  
1 回复 oneweek 2012-1-4 08:26
瓷娃娃ChinaDoll: Oh hehe,well I don't think so because my brother wants to ride a horse...I think he rode one when he was young.But I guess you can try,its nice,and fu ...
it's nice for me. Not nice for the horse.
2 回复 瓷娃娃ChinaDoll 2012-1-4 08:27
白露为霜: that's true. Here goes your brother's college money.   
Haha    He trys to return everything I get  
1 回复 瓷娃娃ChinaDoll 2012-1-4 08:28
oneweek: it's nice for me. Not nice for the horse.
HAHA   I don't think the horse cares.
1 回复 瓷娃娃ChinaDoll 2012-1-4 08:28
So have any of you read my story The two sweet kids :) ?    I guess you should...
2 回复 白露为霜 2012-1-4 08:33
1 回复 瓷娃娃ChinaDoll 2012-1-4 08:36
Wow~Cute picture/image!
1 回复 yulinw 2012-1-4 09:18
瓷娃娃ChinaDoll: 我爱起码!
2 回复 天涯看客 2012-1-4 11:15
I love to ride horses, too. But, there were no horses around. So I rode donkeys instead, on the way to the farm field or on the way home. But donkeys did not like to be ridden and they rubbed on walls, trees, or whatever as long as they could get rid of you from their back
1 回复 wcat 2012-1-4 22:39
瓷娃娃, come to my home.  I have the funnies kitties and you will like them.  Sorry, I do not have horses.
1 回复 BL_518 2012-1-5 08:31
Wow,that target is not small~~~~~
2 回复 瓷娃娃ChinaDoll 2012-1-5 09:49
天涯看客: I love to ride horses, too. But, there were no horses around. So I rode donkeys instead, on the way to the farm field or on the way home. But donkeys  ...
Haha,I wouldn't want to ride donkeys!   哈哈我才不要骑驴!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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