麦当劳粉红肉渣风波升级 卡夫承认含有少量氨

作者:arkone  于 2012-4-14 02:49 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


关键词:pink, slime

麦当劳粉红肉渣风波升级 卡夫承认含有少量氨
2012年04月06日     来源:新华网

  “粉红肉渣”风波升级 美肉品企业为“抽身” 曝光其它行业也用氨 卡夫承认产品含少量氨化合物



  肉品企业为抽身 曝奶酪等行业也用氨

  “粉红肉渣”这个最近在美国掀起轩然大波的东西,指的就是经过氨消毒的瘦牛肉及其副产品。最新消息称,美国最大牛肉馅加工商之一AFA Foods宣布,由于与“粉红肉渣”相关的媒体报道影响,已被迫申请破产保护,并且表示,计划出售其全部或部分资产。而同样卷入此事件的麦当劳,也最终宣布改变汉堡包成分,停用“粉红肉渣”。










  氨为加工程序中附带 含量不可过高


  她告诉记者,食品中的氨并不是故意添加,而是在消毒等加工程序中附带的。在我国,氨作为食品添加助剂是合法的, 而且人体里本身也会有氨。


  据悉,轻度吸入氨中毒表现有鼻炎、咽炎、喉痛、发音嘶哑。严重时可咯血及肺水肿,呼吸困难等。(记者 王进雨 实习生 高小娟)


Is Pink Slime in the Beef at Your Grocery Store?


“Pink slime,” a cheap meat filler, is in 70 percent of the ground beef sold at supermarkets and up to 25 percent of each American hamburger patty, by some estimates.

“It kind of looks like play dough,” said Kit Foshee, who was a corporate quality assurance manager at Beef Products Inc., the company that makes pink slime. “It’s pink and frozen, it’s not what the typical person would consider meat.”

As seen in the movie Food Inc., the low-grade trimmings come from the most contaminated parts of the cow and were once only used in dog food and cooking oil. But because of BPI’s treatment of the trimmings — simmering them in low heat, separating fat and tissue using a centrifuge and spraying them with ammonia gas to kill germs — the United States Department of Agriculture says it’s safe to eat.

The company calls the final product “Finely Textured Lean Beef.” It is flash frozen and boxed. Foshee says it is more like gelatin and not nutritious as ground beef because the protein comes mostly from connective tissue, not muscle meat.

“[It will] fill you up, but won’t do any good,” Foshee said.

ABC News was flooded with questions from concerned viewers following last night’s report on pink slime.

Many, like Dale Rittenhouse, wanted to know where beef with pink slime was sold.

“What stores use pink slime?” Rittenhouse wrote.

So ABC News producers traveled across the country to the meat section to see if its in the ground beef they sell. Most couldn’t tell us for sure.

“There is no way to even know from labels or even from the butchers here whether it contains pink slime,” said ABC News producer Candace Smith in New York.

“The guy at the meat counter said that he had been getting the same question all day,” said Janice McDonald in Atlanta.

ABC News emailed the top 10 grocery chains in America. Only Publix, Costco, HEB and Whole Foods responded, saying they don’t use pink slime. No word yet from the rest.

A viewer, Miles Herbert, wanted to know, “Is there any evidence that organic meat contains this pink slim?”

It turns out there isn’t. If your meat is stamped USDA Organic, it’s pure meat with no filler.

But critics say everything else is suspect because pink slime does not have to appear on the label. And the USDA is giving no indication it will force meat packers to lift the veil of secrecy any time soon.









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