
作者:mayimayi  于 2012-9-25 06:50 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


关键词:美国女兵, 拘捕, 反战, 遣返


(   转贴者 注-- 本人不懂兵役法 和 难民法,对此报道持中性,不反对,不赞同。

因为,911 事件 和 多国部队 依照联合国决议,在伊拉克进行战争, 是国际大事,所以,认为此报道重要)

美国陆军二等兵  Kimberly Rivera  金·里韦拉   2012 年 9月20日被加拿大遣返出境,她一进入美国纽约州境内即遭到美国当局的拘捕,并有可能被判处数年监禁。

美联社报道说,30岁的Kimberly Rivera 是美国得克萨斯州人,  2006年在伊拉克服役时感到绝望,2007年2月在开始下一个服役期前,利用休假来到加拿大,并申请难民身份。目前她与丈夫及四名孩子 (分别是10, 8,3 岁 和 18 月· )一起住在多伦多,其中两名孩子在加拿大出生。

由于反战,Kimberly Rivera回美国可能面临军事法庭的审判及五年刑期。

目前,在加拿大 的 美国 反战 逃兵 大约有 200 个,  之前已经有两位美军士兵Robin Long和Clifford Cornell被加拿大遣返,Long在美国被开除军籍并被判处15个月的监禁。




       (转贴   )   本文来源--- 网易


(本文来源:环球时报-环球网。 更多精彩,请登录环球网 http://  环球网驻加拿大记者:李学江  )
US soldier forced to leave and arrested at border after losing her fight to remain in Canada
from     英文报道来源于  ----华盛顿邮报         Washington   post 
TORONTO — A U.S. soldier who fled to Canada to avoid the war in Iraq has been arrested and detained at the U.S. border after losing her deportation case.

Kimberly Rivera, who lived in Canada for five years with her husband and four children, was issued a deportation order last month and given until Sept. 20 to leave the country.

The War Resisters Support Campaign said in a statement Thursday that Rivera presented herself at the U.S. border on Thursday and was arrested and transferred to military custody. They said her family crossed separately so her kids wouldn’t see her arrested.

Rivera, a 30-year-old Army private, served in Iraq in 2006. She said she became disillusioned with the mission. She crossed the border into Canada while on leave in February 2007, after she was ordered to serve another tour there. After arriving in Canada on leave, she applied for refugee status.

“Military deserters from the United States are not genuine refugees under the internationally accepted meaning of the term. These unfounded claims clog up our system for genuine refugees who are actually fleeing persecution,” Pavlich said.

Alyssa Manning, Rivera’s lawyer, has said Rivera could face a jail sentence of between two to five years.

Ken Marciniec, a spokesman for the War Resisters Support Campaign, said Canadians were told by Kenny’s representatives in court that she wouldn’t be arrested at the border.

The risk that we’ve pointed out, of Iraq War resisters being punished as prisoners of conscience isn’t just risk,   it’s fact,” Marciniec said.

Rivera had applied for permanent residency in Canada based on humanitarian and compassionate grounds, which she hoped would take into account the fact that she has four children, ages 10, 8, 3, and 18 months, the youngest of which were born in Canada. She did not receive a decision on that application, which was submitted three years ago.

Rivera told reporters last month that her biggest fear about being deported was being separated from her young children and having to sit in a prison for politically being against the Iraqi conflict.

Roughly 19,000 people signed an online petition protesting her deportation order and rallies were held in a number of Canadian cities Wednesday calling on the government to let Rivera stay in the country.

Nobel Peace Prize winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the American veterans organization Veterans for Peace have also spoken out against the deportation.

The War Resisters Support Campaign, which notes that there are approximately 200 Iraq war resisters in Canada, said two other Iraq war resisters who were deported, Robin Long and Clifford Cornell, faced year-long jail sentences upon their return.

Long was given a dishonorable discharge in 2008 and sentenced to 15 months in a military prison after pleading guilty to charges of desertion.


During the Vietnam War, up to 90,000 Americans won refuge in Canada, most of them to avoid the military draft. Many were given permanent residence status that led to Canadian citizenship, but the majority went home after President Jimmy Carter granted amnesty in the late 1970s.









刚表态过的朋友 (6 人)

发表评论 评论 (7 个评论)

1 回复 foxxfam 2012-9-25 07:39
3 回复 白露为霜 2012-9-25 10:29
3 回复 mayimayi 2012-9-25 10:38
白露为霜: 不打明白怎么回事。美国是志愿兵,不愿意当兵没人逼她。但服役其间逃走则是逃兵了。
她是军人,接到去伊拉克驻防命令时,溜掉。 逃跑,
是 名副其实的 逃兵, 按军法从事, 应该是正确的

俺不知道, 其他职业, 可以自由辞职,
美国军人, 在没有 上战场的 任务时, 是否可以自动退役 ?
不当兵, 就不会是逃兵
3 回复 白露为霜 2012-9-25 11:14
"其他职业, 可以自由辞职,"

养兵千日,用兵一时。要打仗了就辞职?   要以军法论处的。
1 回复 mayimayi 2012-9-26 10:09
foxxfam: 人民爱好和平
各国的老百姓都爱好和平 !
4 回复 xhqp29 2012-10-2 11:44
2 回复 我们的元首 2012-10-5 17:43

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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