评 Lady Gaga (原创+多图+多视频)

作者:吃喝玩乐  于 2012-5-4 13:47 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村





Lady Gaga (原创+多图+多视频)


作者 吃喝玩乐



Lady Gaga的名曲《Born This Way》是普世求生的呐喊,是拯救众生的强音。特推荐村民娱乐。


背景:Lady Gaga 原名Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta,出生1986328日美国纽约, 现年26岁,艺名Lady Gaga, 美国音乐舞///曲制作人+歌舞手。


Lady Gaga出身清贫,曾端盘跑堂,兼跳Go-Go-Dance 勉强度日糊口, 在她儿童/青少年时期,由于孤僻/不合群/不被接受,饱尝不自信/不安全/不知所措的心理恍惚。四岁摆弄钢琴,少年在艺校里马马虎虎,然后在纽约的地下酒吧/歌舞场开始独立人生。


2008至今,短短数年,Lady Gaga成为世界歌坛家喻户晓的明星。连连获XYZ 重奖,屡屡在N  国英文流行歌曲排行榜经久不衰。她2011年的成名舞曲Born This Way》名扬四海。


Lady Gaga 的三大代表作品,Born This Way, Marry the Night, The Edge of Glory 歌之信念/颂之生存/鼓之自我/舞之自由平等。Lady Gaga舞台风格《金瓶梅》色情,比《马列恩毛邓江胡》暴力,比《国际歌》普世雄壮: 起来,饥寒交迫被强拆的兄弟们,起来,全世界被扫黄的姐妹们Lady Gaga 的歌舞词句代表了受剥削,被奴役,想占领华尔街的下层歇斯底里的美国百姓心声.


Lady Gaga炉火纯青的歌喉发出了强烈求解放/闹翻身/要坚持/永奋进/活下去,"Be yourself", 自信/自强/自我的信念。

Lady Gaga 受益早年Go-Go-Dance的功底,其舞姿融合瑜伽健美+芭蕾+摇滚一炉,迥异/奔放/铿锵。

Lady Gaga与Madonna 比,Lady Gaga 十八般武艺样样精通,词曲舞弹唱,时装布景全才。 她在演唱会上,挥汗如雨,对粉丝110%的尽职奉献,剧烈动态中真唱,让众歌手望尘莫及。


Lady GagaMichael Jackson MJ)比,MJ 鼎盛时代归功于影视科技,Lady Gaga 开创领先网络单歌,单曲下载/单卖,歌迷足不出户的全球营销。Lady Gaga将网上科技Facebook, twitter 发挥的淋漓尽致,时时问候全球粉丝:你们吃了吗?夜夜关心举国歌迷:祝你们晚安!


歌再好/曲再亮/舞再狂,没人买,有P 用。Lady Gaga 访google,亲手操刀全球广告。她的出室则张扬尽致,入宅即隐居无声使云云粉丝歌迷百思不解,至今网上也没有Gaga牛仔体恤/海边度假/休闲逛街/夜店狂醉的草率形象。


Lady Gaga浓妆艳抹登峰,奇装异服造极,365天不同妆饰+墨镜/假发/口红/超高跟鞋的万变风格,是她竞争眼球,拼头条免费广告/疯抢歌迷市场/自吹自销的拿手戏, 2010 MTV颁奖会上,其肉服Gaga's Meat Dress)更是名垂史册。奇异多妖,引无数二奶车模竞折腰



LadyGaga.com 网站设计,体现了她生活底层/劳苦大众的普适人生哲学,既没有ABC 党和国家领导人和合影留念,也没有XYZ金杯/银奖/锦旗。开门见山”Buy my ticketright now”. 世间成名千条路,捞金才是正道。


除闭门斟酌词曲,锤炼舞姿,自剪自缝标新立异服装,至今也没见Lady Gaga 开名车,更无豪宅,Lady Gaga与其父母纽约同屋檐,过着我就是我Born This Way的棱角异彩人生。'I hate Hollywood, I just wanna live in Brooklyn and make music'


结论,吃喝玩乐对Lady Gaga的评价:奇///+真。




2012年全球巡演第一站 4Lady Gaga 抵达韩国机场服饰


2012年全球巡演第二站 5Lady Gaga下机香港服饰



这是Lady Gaga,近似素颜简装”最斯文的钢琴独唱《The Edge of Glory



这是Lady Gaga寰宇销售广告

“Stay strong”,  “You are ALL beautiful” andYou are All superstars



Poker Face Live @ The Dome 49 



<Born this way> By Lady Gaga

It doesn't matter if you love him or capital H-I-M

Just put your paws up

'Cause you were born this way, baby


My mama told me when I was young

We are all born superstars

She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on

In the glass of her boudoir


There's nothin' wrong with lovin' who you are

She said, 'cause He made you perfect, babe

So hold your head up, girl and you you'll go far

Listen to me when I say


I'm beautiful in my way

'Cause God makes no mistakes

I'm on the right track, baby

I was born this way


Don't hide yourself in regret

Just love yourself and you're set

I'm on the right track, baby

I was born this way, born this way


Ooh, there ain't no other way, baby, I was born this way

Baby, I was born this way

Ooh, there ain't no other way, baby, I was born this way

I'm on the right track, baby, I was born this way


Don't be a drag, just be a queen

Don't be a drag, just be a queen

Don't be a drag, just be a queen

Don't be


Give yourself prudence and love your friends

Subway kid, rejoice of truth

In the religion of the insecure

I must be myself, respect my youth


A different lover is not a sin

Believe capital H-I-M

I love my life, I love this record and

Mi amore vole fe yah


I'm beautiful in my way,

'Cause God makes no mistakes

I'm on the right track, baby

I was born this way


Don't hide yourself in regret,

Just love yourself and you're set

I'm on the right track, baby

I was born this way


Ooh, there ain't no other way, baby, I was born this way

Baby, I was born this way

Ooh, there ain't no other way, baby, I was born this way

I'm on the right track, baby, I was born this way


Don't be drag, just be a queen

Whether you're broke or evergreen

You're black, white, beige, chola descent

You're Lebanese, you're orient


Whether life's disabilities

Left you outcast, bullied or teased

Rejoice and love yourself today

'Cause baby, you were born this way


No matter gay, straight or bi

Lesbian, transgendered life

I'm on the right track, baby

I was born to survive


No matter black, white or beige

Chola or orient made

I'm on the right track, baby

I was born to be brave


I'm beautiful in my way

'Cause God makes no mistakes

I'm on the right track, baby

I was born this way


Don't hide yourself in regret,

Just love yourself and you're set

I'm on the right track, baby

I was born this way, yeah


Ooh, there ain't no other way, baby, I was born this way

Baby, I was born this way

Ooh, there ain't no other way, baby, I was born this way

I'm on the right track, baby, I was born this way

I was born this way, hey

I was born this way, hey

I'm on the right track, baby, I was born this way, hey


I was born this way, hey

I was born this way, hey

I'm on the right track, baby, I was born this way, hey






吃喝玩乐根据现状民俗,<Born this way>译中文, 特献丑,以飨村民.


<Born this way> By Lady Gaga

<<生来如此>> 译者 吃喝玩乐, (山寨-原创-国情版)


小时候,妈妈为我梳妆抹红, 细细对我说:







你任性, 你执着,

你身在牛津, 心系哈佛,



男女媾和, 阴阳交错,

你自信, 会选择,







瞎子倒戈, 两国踩摸,

你耐磨, 你沉着,

你美酒豪车, 你潇洒挥霍,

瓜瓜孩儿, 你躲过大祸.


侯寇更迭, 荣辱难说,

你坚韧, 你耐挫,


瓜瓜孩儿, 敢把大雕射, 你敢闯又--!

不错! 不错!





莫悲观, 切寂寞,


要活, 要活,一定要活!



要活, 要活,一定要活! 《完》














刚表态过的朋友 (3 人)

发表评论 评论 (4 个评论)

5 回复 ahsungzee 2012-5-4 13:53
4 回复 吃喝玩乐 2012-5-4 21:44
5 回复 麦燕萍 2012-5-5 01:04
3 回复 ahsungzee 2012-5-5 03:07
吃喝玩乐: 谢,加了视频和链接。

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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