
作者:西岸海虹  于 2014-5-20 13:03 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


关键词:连夜挑灯夜战, 伏案秉笔, 此情此



今天看到媒体发的一则“中国高铁通美国? 美国人惊叹眼睁睁被甩 ”的新闻,心里感到十分震动,激荡不已。想起在201010月份,我曾经写过一封亲笔信给奥巴马总统,建议他出面领导搞一个三维度的空中高铁,当时可以说是思绪万千,连夜挑灯夜战,伏案秉笔,此情此景还历历在目。因为,当时他在第一任期开始的时候,曾经信誓旦旦说过要在他的总统生涯內要推动建设美国的高铁!他的发誓,的的确确打动了我。我毅然决然的就把我在上海形成的想法,通过私人信件的形式寄信给了总统,着着实实的谈了不同于其他国家的高铁建设的想法,去尽一个美国公民的责任。

我在给奥巴马总统的信里谈到了我的为美国高铁建设的独特构想,为什么要建一个间于有飞机又有间于有轨交通的三维高速交通运载新工具(The new project as the aerospace transportations that I will submit is an Air-train system 空中高铁系统)。并列举了建设它的5大好处,

1. 政治上,保持美国在全球领先地位,恢复美国人的大国雄心,为纽约申办奥运会创造条件;

2. 经济上,建造新的工业体系;打造新的国内和国际的高铁建设的市场;通过加强对三维空中高铁的研发和制造,从而加大当时奥巴马总统倡导的基础建设的力度去增加美国的就业率。

3. 外交上,占领非洲和南美洲的空中高铁市场,巩固和加强对这些大洋和国家的外交联系。

4. 国家安全和反恐措施上,由于空中高铁系统是一个有轨的空中高速运行系统,像人们搭地铁一样方便,不用像在机场做那么繁琐的安检,因此安全成本会大大降低。

5. 环保上,由于是有轨的空中高速运行系统是城市于城市之间通过中低空中联系,不用建道路,桥梁,涵洞,所以不会毁坏和损害江湖,河流,森林,农田,因此环保是过硬的。






                                                                                                                     Oct. 30, 2010

Dear President Obama:

            I'll support you forever. Typically for your current election campaign I'll do my best.

            I think that the best propaganda for winning this election is how to create job opportunities in US, while my creative idea may provide more than 100,000 job opportunities for the people of United States.

Not only every day and night people in New York are distressed with heavy traffic jam to Washington bridge, Holland tunnel, Lincoln tunnel, but also it occurs daily at all over the streets, high ways and subways in our country and world.

However, I have found a new way to solve this problem of the gridlock of ground traffic in metropolitan areas.

Let us live brighter and let us fly!

The new project as the aerospace transportations that I will submit is an Air-train system that will solve these problems. This Air-train or bus is hold by wires.  The driving force of Air train or Air bus may be propeller-driven or jet-propelled. It is effective, feasible and realistic.

Actually my creative inspiration came as I was taking a taxi on the way to the EXPO in Shanghai, China in this summer. Being stuck in a traffic jam, I thought to myself, why don’t we use the three dimensional space up in the air, rather than clustering at the ground level where the space is limited?

For the new era, this subject revolutionary technique could miraculously convert the traditional two dimensional ground transportations to three dimensional aerospace transportations.

This should be the direction of new era transportation development to humankind. This revolutionary technology promises safe carry capacity of the passengers; but also protects natural environments and lowers the cost for its construction to skip building bridges, rails and tunnels. Most importantly, we are able to find a new way to overcome the gridlock of ground traffic in metropolitan areas on our planet.

In modern societies, cars and trucks jamming streets, roads and highways creates stress for their people. The subways and fast speeds trains seem not to have improved the situation much.

To develop highways, fast speed train and subways, more and more mountains, forests, farm fields and waters in our natural environments have been damaged.   People painfully pay off huge prices there. The magnetic suspension trains in the future would cost further more damages.

The air- train will give a brand new direction for the development of modern transportations, which is to fully utilize the air space and therefore,   to improve urban traffic and cities to cities transports by three-dimensional air space. It’s more advantageous than the others as demonstrated by Table1 and Table2 below.

Table1: Transportation Vehicles (Cities to Cities)


Speed (Km/hour)



Cost of Construction

Damage on Environment

Carrying Capacity




On air with  wires





General Train


Rail on ground





Fast Speed Train


Rail on ground





Magnetic Suspension Train


Rail on ground







On air








Table2: Transportation Vehicles (Metropolitan Urban)


Speed (Km/hour)



Cost of Construction

Damage on Environment

Carrying Capacity




On air with  wires







Under ground





Motor Car


On ground







On ground






More importantly it will solve problems occurred during developing of public transportation, the excessive construction of bridges, tunnels, and rails that not only cost a huge sum of money and also the amount of time it takes for the projects to complete. It is also gentle to our environment, creating little damages comparing to subways, speed trains, etc.

Germany and Japan have been the leaders in developing rail transportations and holding core technologies of fast speed trains and magnetic suspension trains. Those core technologies including their products have already helped both great countries to obtain the economic and political interests in the world. At the same time, China catches up rapidly to the first rank of the positions hold by both Germany and Japan in recent years. She not only has the first magnetic suspension train (450km/hour) in Pudong, Shanghai, and also the fastest speed train (380km/hour) on soil in around mainland China. Recently, China has a straddling bus to improve cities traffic, too.

China now is planning to export her excellent techniques and products to the world, typically to aim in Africa and South America markets, even to USA. Therefore, China will increase her influence to the world. It demonstrates her ambitious.

Facing the aggressive competition and keeping up as the leading country as in the world, USA has to carry on the great inventor Mr. Thomas Alva Edison’s spirit to find the new way to face the challenges and retake the position with the glorious in former days.

To regain the glories and reputation of innovation and invention of number one country, our project is able to provide following benefits:

1.       Political

To keep the United States on the leading position of the world, and rebuild confidence to the US people; benefits for applications of Olympic 2020 in New York and Expo2020 in Silicon Valley.

2.       Economic

To create brand new systemic industries of three dimensional aerospace transportations

Commercial value is huge

There is a new huge transport market for domestic and overseas

To increase job opportunities by R & D and manufacture

Supporting your Infrastructure project recently

3.       Diplomatic

Occupying African and South American air train transport markets will increase USA influence in those continents and countries, which will simultaneously prevent the other countries from stepping into those continents.

4.       Safety and Securities

Because the air train is not ease to fall and break in the sky with the special designation and struction of the project, the level of the safety measure of the air trains is similar to subways and trains, which is different to airplanes.

 In general, once the airplanes are hijacked in the sky, the airplanes are totally controlled by the hijacker to hit any object, for instance, the 911 event. However, even if in situations when the Air-trains were hijacked, hijackers would not able to hit any objects.

5.       Low-Carbon Society

This public convenient transportation will provide chances to people to give up driving their personal cars, so that waste gas discharge will decline.

Dearest president:

I love you because you love your people;

I adore you because you have no any inheritance of Great Britain but you are the first black president of United States of America.

I sympathy you because many people in US do not understand that you are doing great right thing.

I support you with practical actions to make contribution to people of United States because you are leading us overcome difficulty for our country.

To develop this great project, personnel capacities are limited to complete all. Therefore, it must be teams work. However, country’s will, conduct and power are much better than companies will, conduct and power. To lift up competitive force China usually puts her country’s will and power to develop big projects such as the well known 863 plans. The effects are obvious.

Thus I will only tell you about all details of this project when I meet with you.

Only you can speed up the development of the new transportation project in order to compete the other countries; only you can effectively organize the projects.

Let our humankind living get reborn! It could look like match to the innovations in history, such as the first steam engine train in UK 200 years ago, or the first subway train in New York, or the first automobile, or the first airplane in USA 100 years ago; it could even match to the milestone of humankind’s rocket to the moon at half century ago.

It would be an honor to be invited by you to display my project idea in your presence.

God blesses America!

Best regards




E mail:










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发表评论 评论 (5 个评论)

1 回复 goodoctor 2014-5-20 13:48
I'll support you forever
2 回复 笑臉書生 2014-5-20 14:23
3 回复 笑臉書生 2014-5-20 14:34
3 回复 白露为霜 2014-5-21 00:25
1 回复 笑看风月 2014-5-24 11:06


至于是否可行,咱外行就不说了。但中国人有句话,长江后浪推前浪,美中是前后浪,前浪干的事后浪干不了, 同样后浪干的事前浪也干不了,这叫时我不予。




facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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