司氏姐妹 (The Switch Sisters) 翻译连载:序曲

作者:Wuwuyu  于 2012-7-10 10:58 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


关键词:小说连载, 新移民, 魔法, 童话, 英语翻译


我们都已不得是在什么遥远的年代司氏姐妹们搬进塔马尼巷的房子里。似乎象所有人一们是在每天听有关她们的睡前故事中大的虽然她们与我们年龄相仿。而且,我们还会有机会遇到她们--在超市里在孩子们玩耍的场所,在学校课休和午餐的时候——并意到他只是像我们一样的人。 因为一旦我们习惯于她们的黑头发中国人的小眼睛和扁鼻子, 她看上去就像我一样。当然比想象的更美尤其在这样一个小们也用脚走路水和食物存活就像镇里所有的乡亲一样。我会惊呀传说中有关她们的故事并自己传播更多这类故事望在这些故事中明自己认识她。我惊奇是否有一种与她们的美丽相关的东西迷住了我们下了我们就这样被吸引。我们坠并害怕她魔力加在我们身上。司维曲们,这个被大家称咐的名号,包括四姐妹和一个似乎永远年轻的母。他的存在像一个带着生命气息的神话,一片森的迷徘徊在小


It’s hard to remember a time when the Switch sisters didn’t live in the house on Tamany Lane. It seemed like all of us grew up hearing about them in our bedtime stories, even though they must have been not so much older than ourselves. Eventually, we would meet them–in the supermarket, on the playground, during recess and lunch at school–and realize that they were just people like us. For they looked more or less like us, once we were accustomed to the black hair, Chinese eyes, and flat noses. Certainly, they were more beautiful than to be expected, especially in a small town, but they walked with their feet and survived on water and food just like the worst and best of the townsfolk. We would wonder about the things we had been told, and tell more stories, spreading rumors in our eagerness to prove we knew them. We would wonder if there was something about their beauty that captivated us, put a spell over us, so that we would be drawn to them and love them. We fell in love with them, and feared them for the power they held over us. The Switches, they were called, four Switch sisters with a mother who seemed to never age. Their presence lingered over the town like an eerie mist of living, breathing myth.









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