司氏姐妹 第23章:土气火水

作者:Wuwuyu  于 2012-12-23 04:25 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


关键词:童话小说, 学英语, 中国女孩, 移民生活, 哈利波特





















 “哦,不用担心司法妈...我会的...” 另一个声音不要不耐............死亡只能有一次......”






















说完最后一句亨特太太弯起嘴唇,咧牙咆哮把她的手指向拉。拉的婚下摆扬起来缠住勒紧了拉跌倒在地拼命用双手拉扯着 缠在子上的布阵强风过阁吹起桌子砸向亨特太太的。摩根和玛丽帮的姐姐拉松衣服站起来


















法妈把的女儿们靠得更紧闭上的眼睛快速思考着知道她们应该有些办法。魔术是为了助善者和治邪恶而创自从是一个孩子已知道这点。必有某魔咒存在......的手指触摸到她手中冰冷的翡翠手。即使在热烤中仍然像石样冰凉。想到了个放在盒子里的手那两个早些时候被亨特夫人拿起过的手。是的些手镯体现了魔术的法则。制造这些手镯时,加进了魔咒,来预防女巫们可能会的权力欲--控制世界的欲望--来控制她自己。它们的作用驯服本性善良的人们头脑中可能的恶思想,警告那些还不知道自己魔力限制的年女巫。那么对那些已经成,但仍还未学好功课,吸取教训的老巫婆有什么办法呢一定会有什么办法去驯服她们 …法妈努力思考着--如果能把魔法经书背得滚瓜烂熟该多好啊但它现在正躺在黑色火侧的地板上


然后她突然想到。是的那个魔咒就在用来做些手镯那个的后面......其实,相信可以利用些手 伸出手去拿那个放着其他个手镯的盒子盒子唆的一下透过火焰向她飞来。随着咝咝响,木盒子化成灰烬只手镯却完整地掉落在地当法妈捡起它们时与她拿着的其他一样冰凉



































Chapter 23 Earth, Air, Fire, Water


Something’s wrong,” Mara said.

The sisters were approaching the end of Tamany Lane, where the Switch residence was eerily dark. Even though the house did look dilapidated from the outside, when Fa was home the lights were usually blazing bright.

“Look!” said Mina, pointing towards the roof. “There’s a light in the attic.”

It was a strange light, not yellow or white like candlelight or a lamp. Instead, the light was dark, even while it was definitely lit. Whatever it was, the sisters agreed that it was most likely where their mother was.

“Maybe she’s doing some kind of spell to find us,” Marie said.

“Let’s not make too much noise,” Mara said. “Just in case. I have a really weird feeling.” She pushed open the door, and the sisters tiptoed up the stairs to the attic, where the strange black light was flowing out from the crack underneath the door. Inside, two women could be heard softly chatting.

“Well, if you’re going to do it just get it over with,” said one.

That’s Mom!” whispered Morgan.

“Who’s the other one?” asked Mina.

“Oh don’t worry, Fa Switch…I will…” said the other voice. “No need to be so impatient…after all…death only comes once…”

At this, Morgan pushed open the door and the four sisters burst inside. Mrs. Hunter stepped back from where Fa was sitting on the wooden chair, as if bound by invisible ropes and turned to face the girls. A circle of black flames surrounded them.

“You!” Morgan spat.

“Get away from our mom!” Mina shouted.

“Yeah,” said Marie. “You’re…I can’t believe it. You’re sick! All this time you’ve been making Mara feel guilty and you killed your own son!

Mara was silent, her green eyes shining with fury against the black flames. 

“Ah…girls…what a surprise,” Mrs. Hunter said.  “Settle down though…no need to get impolite. I wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt…”

The windows in the attic blew open with strong gusts of wind, and the floor shook where Mrs. Hunter was standing. She stumbled, trying to catch herself, and fell into the wooden table. The black flames went out, and Fa stood up in a sudden gesture, as if breaking free from ropes. In a moment the candles were lit with natural light and she was standing in front of her daughters, her arms raised to protect them.

“You can do whatever you want to me,” she said. “But don’t you dare raise a finger to my daughters. Not Mara. Not one of them. The town will hear the truth!”

Mrs. Hunter regained her balance, casting a circle of black flames around the Switch family. She swept her arms over the windows and they slammed shut again. Then, she lowered her hands, steadying them over the ground until the trembling stopped.

“Oh, what a nice show,” she said. She nodded towards Mina. “I see you’ve started dabbling too, little girl. And you,” she said to Mara, “my dearest daughter-in-law. No longer sniveling, are you? What, is grief so transient? Or did you never love him to begin with?”

With her last words, Mrs. Hunter’s lip curled into a snarl, and she threw her hands at Mara. The skirt of Mara’s wedding gown flew up and wrapped around her neck, strangling her. As Mara fell to her knees, tugging at the cloth with her hands, another gust of wind blew through the attic, lifting the table up and throwing it against Mrs. Hunter’s head. Morgan and Marie tugged the dress loose on their older sister, and helped Mara to her feet.

“I did love him, you witch,” Mara said, as the house started to shake. “I loved him more than you ever did. I never wanted to own him, like you did!” The shaking ground pushed Ms. Hunter to the wall opposite the sisters, while the sisters clung to the walls, supporting each other.

Fa looked at Mara, stroking her hair. “The house is going to fall with all of us in it if you don’t stop, dear,” she said. She clutched Mara’s hand. The shaking quivered and stopped. Mrs. Hunter stood up, the black flames around the Switches flaring higher.

Marie tugged on their mother’s arm.

“Our bracelets!” Morgan said, “Can we temporarily postpone grounding time?  I would call this an emergency.”

Fa smiled at her red-haired daughter and hugged her to her chest. “It’s so nice to have you back. And yes, you are right, let me take those bracelets off.” She slipped the bracelets off of Marie and Morgan’s arms. The moment Morgan’s bracelet slipped past her fingers, a bright red circle of fire lit up around Mrs. Hunter, mirroring the black flame around them. Marie conjured a streak of water to put out the own circle of black flame. For a moment, the flames sizzled. Then, they rose again, higher than they were before.

Mrs. Hunter laughed from the other side of the room, her eyes glowing red in the light. She snapped her fingers, and in an instant Morgan’s red flames were replaced by her own black flames. She stepped through them easily, laughing as she advanced towards the Switches.

“Party tricks,” Mrs. Hunter said, her lips curling into a smile. “They are really very nice. I must say, if you girls hadn’t gotten in the way they really would have been very useful one day…in a circus, with a performing troupe, maybe…such a pity…such nice, pretty little girls going to waste…you see, like I told your mother earlier…while you’ve been practicing your little party tricks I’ve been controlling an entire town…you are no match against me…even all together…”

The flames heated the air around the Switches, edging so that the sisters had to huddle closer together. Mrs. Hunter walked towards the sisters, speaking in her soft lolling way. “I wonder…” she said, “Tragic fire burns down Switch residence…now would that look too suspicious…ah but no one would care to question anyhow…it would all just be a huge relief to the town…yes…it’s not the prettiest way, but…”

Fa gathered her daughters close together, closing her eyes and thinking fast. She knew there was something they could do. Magic was made to help the good and punish the evil, she had learned since she was a child. There must be some sort of spell…she fingered the cold jade bracelets in her hands. Even in the heat, they remained cool like stone. She thought about the other two bracelets in the box, the ones that Mrs. Hunter had picked up earlier. Yes, these bracelets were manifestations of that law. The bracelets had been forged with a spell that knew witches could let their powerlust—their desire to control the world—take control over them. They were meant to temper the evil in people who were fundamentally good, as a warning for young witches who didn’t yet know the limits of their power. And what about old witches, grown witches who had learned their lesson too late? There must be something to temper them too…Fa thought hard—if only she could read through her scroll! But it was on the floor, on the other side of the ring of black fire.

Then, it came to her. Yes! It was the spell right after the one she had used to make these bracelets…she believed she could use these bracelets in fact…she reached out her hand to the box that held the other two bracelets, and it zoomed towards her through the flames. The wooden box sizzled and turned to ash, but the two bracelets dropped neatly onto the floor, and when Fa picked them up they were as cool as the other two she held.

“Earth, air, fire, water,” she whispered, turning the bracelets over in her hand. Her daughters looked at her, knowing that she had thought of something, waiting for their instructions. Meanwhile, the black flame burned hotter. “Earth, air, fire, water,” Fa repeated. She turned to her daughters. “Get ready,” she said. “When I say the name of your element next, add it to the mixture.”

“Add it to what?” asked Morgan.

“Ssh,” said Marie. “You’ll figure it out. Hurry, mom!” Her face was glowing pink.

Fa tossed the four bracelets into the air, where they floated one on top of each other like a thick jade cuff. They rotated in the air.  Mrs. Hunter stopped walking and looked curiously at them.

“What trick is this, now?” she said. “Please, do perform it. I am so interested to see…” She folded her arms and waited.

Fa stood tall. Though she was a small woman, she seemed to loom over Mrs. Hunter as she spoke:

“The power to perform magic is a gift given by nature. Magic does not belong to anyone. It belongs to the Heavens and the to Earth. It should be used discretely, to create, to bring pleasure and joy, not to destroy or to coerce. To use magic as you do, Mrs. Hunter, is abuse. You do not deserve what you have been given, and you certainly have not earned it. Magic is given by nature, and so it shall be taken back by nature.”

Fa closed her eyes, and started to recite a poem in Chinese, a poem that her daughters knew was also a spell. The jade bracelets moved above Mrs. Hunter’s head and floated there.

“Earth and air,” Fa Switch said, touching Mara and Mina. The windows blew open. Mara and Mina focused their eyes on the jade bracelets floating above Mrs. Hunter. For the first time that night, she looked afraid. Perhaps it was because she could not understand what was being said. Perhaps it was because, standing underneath the bracelets, she could not move. Dirt swirled in from the window, turning in a cyclone around the rotating bracelets.

“Fire and water,” Fa continued. Morgan and Marie turned their gazes to the bracelets. A lick of flame swirled with the dust and wind, while a streak of water twirled into the mixture.

Elements of nature,” Fa said as the bracelets turned quickly, the four elements mixing together in a small cyclone above Mrs. Hunter’s head until the bracelets disappeared in a glittering ball of light.

“Take back what is yours!” Fa shouted, bring her arms down in a flash. The ball of light expanded until it surrounded Mrs. Hunter. A thin shriek pierced the attic air, and the black flames went out.

Fa breathed deeply, bringing her hands up. The light dimmed and went away. Mrs. Hunter stood in the middle of the attic, seemingly unscathed. Her hair fell limp and her eyes were dim and blue. Her once menacing cheekbones softened and sagged, and she looked, suddenly, like an old woman. Even her once blonde hair now looked more white than blonde. Around her neck was a heavy jade ring.

Mrs. Hunter looked at her hands, the skin on them suddenly wrinkled and spotted with veins. Evidently she had used magic to preserve her beauty as well. She blinked tears out of the corners of her eyes. “I’m old…” she said, clutching her stomach and sobbing.

Fa Switch and the four Switch sisters let out a collective breath, clutching each other’s hands, unable to believe their eyes. They stood silent, looking at the crying old woman before them, until Mara detached herself from the group and walked gingerly to Mrs. Hunter. She pulled the chair that had been knocked over up and touched Mrs. Hunter’s elbow gently, leading her to sit in the chair.

“Please sit, mother-in-law,” Mara said. “And tell me what you have done with my husband.”










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