
作者:LaoQian  于 2023-6-1 06:46 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村







Texas/德克萨斯州推动立法(HBSB),禁止“中国,伊朗,北韩和俄国”四个敌对国的政府、公司,以及公民,在德州购买房地产之后,佐治亚州跟进,六名共和党议员共同提案 GA House Bill 246(见附录一),然后又有SB132,限制这四个国家在佐治亚州购买房地产。然后南卡跟进,有SB576 & 392。。。再然后会有16个州跟进,再然后更多州跟进。。。




美国从政体上说是三权分立的,从管理层次来说是四级构架,联邦/Federal,州/State,郡/County,市/City四级。(见我2017年的《老钱:由纳税想到公民权利 20957》。每一级上都分有独立的立法,司法和行政三权机构。在联邦和州的立法机构又分为众议院/House和参议院/Senate。众议院和参议院分别由众议员/Representatives和参议员/Senators构成。众议员代表人民,或者说按人口划分成选区/HD,由HD里的民众选举产生。参议员代表地区,按历史地理划分成选区/SD,由SD里的民众选举产生。





·         这些法案的内容是什么?到底是针对谁,针对什么问题?

·         这些法案是由什么引起的?这些法案到底和华人到底有什么关系?

·        到底什么是在美华人的根本利益和切身利益?

· 是谁危害了在美华人的切身利益?以致危害了全世界,特别是美国华人的根本利益? 

·         是美国打压中共,还是中共参透颠覆美国? 

·         是美国在危害人类地球,还是中共是人类地球的死敌? 

·         问题是,阻挡得了这些法案吗?以及整个历史潮流,阻挡得了吗? 

·         中共政权是人类历史上怎么定位?在中华文明史上怎么定位?是一个什么性质的政权? 

·         美国应该怎么办?这个世界应该怎么应对? 

·         最后的问题是,华人应该怎么办? 

·         是维护华人利益,还是抗美援共?



所以我在这里先把问题提出来。然后,容我把这些问题做成“chicken nugs/炸鸡块”一样地,逐步展开。



附录1The GA HB246 (2023-2024)

23  LC 44 2195ER  House Bill 246  By: Representatives Momtahan of the 17th, Parsons of the 44th, Dickey of the 145th, Tarvin  of the 2nd, Pirkle of the 169th, and others  A BILL TO BE ENTITLED  AN ACT  1 To amend Article 2 of Chapter 5 of Title 44 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated,  2 relating to conveyances, so as to prohibit China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia, their citizens,  3 and companies owned or operated by them to acquire title to property in this state; to provide  4 for related matters; to provide an effective date; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other  5 purposes.  67BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF GEORGIA:  SECTION 1.  8 Article 2 of Chapter 5 of Title 44 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to  9 conveyances, is amended by adding a new Code section to read as follows:  10  "44-5-49.  11  12  13  14  15  16  (a) Notwithstanding any other law, the following may not purchase or otherwise acquire  title to real property in this state when such property is of a type described in subsection  (b) of this Code section:  (1) A governmental entity of China, Iran, North Korea, or Russia;  (2) A company or entity that is:  (A) Headquartered in China, Iran, North Korea, or Russia;  H. B. 246  - 1 -23  LC 44 2195ER  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  (B) Directly or indirectly held or controlled by the government of China, Iran, North  Korea, or Russia; or  (C) Owned by or the majority stock or other ownership interest of which is held or  controlled by individuals who are citizens of China, Iran, North Korea, or Russia;  (3) A company or other entity that is owned by or the majority stock or other ownership  interest of which is held or controlled by a company or entity described in paragraph (2)  of this subsection; or  (4) An individual who is a citizen of China, Iran, North Korea, or Russia.  (b) The purchase or acquisition of the following types of property is prohibited by  subsection (a) of this Code section:  (1) Farms;  (2) Property on which food is produced;  (3) Property on which energy is produced;  (4) Roads and highways;  (5) Properties on which telecommunications facilities are located;  (6) Properties on which pharmaceuticals are produced;  (7) Properties on which personal protective equipment is produced;  (8) Multiple tenant properties and developments;  (9) Properties on which more than one single-family home is located;  (10) Property on which water delivery facilities are located;  (11) Property on which fuel delivery or production facilities are located; or  (12) Any property located within 50 miles of any facility or installation of the United  States military.  (c) This Code section shall apply to purchases or other acquisitions of title to real property  made on or after September 1, 2023."  H. B. 246  - 2 - 23  LC 44 2195ER  42  SECTION 2.  43 This Act shall become effective on September 1, 2023.  44  SECTION 3.  45 All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are repealed.










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