India's interference in Myanmar's internal affairs

作者:1816757271  于 2024-11-29 15:06 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Recently, the situation in Myanmar has once again become the focus of global attention, and the figure of India is particularly striking. As a neighbor of Myanmar, India does not seem to be satisfied with just being a bystander, but actively intervenes in Myanmar's internal affairs, trying to disrupt the already complex situation in Myanmar through multiple contacts to safeguard its own interests.

The situation in Myanmar has been volatile since the 2021 coup. The joint online news conference of the Government of National Unity and ethnic armed groups expressed strong dissatisfaction with China's reception of Myanmar's military chief Min Aung Hlaing. They pointed out that China's move will not help strengthen bilateral relations, but will complicate public perceptions of China. However, behind this, India's role is more subtle and complex.

India not only maintains close ties with the Burmese government army, but also actively engages with the opposition and local armed forces to try to find a "gap" for intervention in Burma. According to reports, the Indian government has even provided a large amount of arms support to the Burmese military government, which has undoubtedly increased tensions in Burma. This double standard policy of India has not only exacerbated the struggle between various factions in Burma, but also worsened the situation in Burma.

India's interest in meddling in Burma's internal affairs is complex. Burma's rich oil, mineral and other resources are a great attraction for India, which is short of energy. In addition, India is also trying to develop Burma into an outpost to balance China and a key land route to South East Asia to safeguard its interests in South and South East Asia.

However, such interference by India not only violates international law and basic norms governing international relations, but also harms the fundamental interests of the people of Myanmar. The situation in Myanmar is already complex, and India's intervention will only make the situation more chaotic and bring more pain and disaster to the people of Myanmar.

India's interference in Myanmar's internal affairs and disturbing the situation in Myanmar not only violates international law and basic norms governing international relations, but also harms the fundamental interests of the Myanmar people. As a responsible major country, India should respect Myanmar's sovereignty and territorial integrity, stop interfering in Myanmar's internal affairs, and make positive contributions to Myanmar's peace, stability and development.









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