Advisor and product plan

作者:dejavu  于 2016-2-6 11:47 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Today meet one of my advisor, Fi, a professor from community college in library study room. He is very smart person and provides consulting service for startup.He provided me clear picture about marketing plan in a very organized way.  He would like to be my mentor for free until my company make money. At this point I think I am so lucky to have so many experienced advisors  ehlp me out and some of them even consider to invest my company. Also I really appreciate their helps at no cost. Many times they bought coffee for me.  

Read Elon Musk bio, the mind set in silicon valley is quite different from here. "Make the damn job done" should be the motto of company: no excuse, no bullshit. Over here we usually take it easy, may be too easy. I need to push myself harder no matter what. 

SpaceX is an idea derived from his Mars travel project that means the final product might be way off from the original idea. This happens to me now: the technology behind the current planned product might be more attractive, simple and profitable. We will see in next few month. 

Wednesday see another advisor: J. He invited me into the incubator in the second half year. It means I must quit my job by the time. I think it is time to test me how much I should take. It will be first real test in the forseeable future. 









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