
作者:Reader001  于 2014-11-4 08:21 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


关键词:concepts, studying


問 After studying the concepts of the 4-Qi & 5-Wei and the Four Essentials of the formulation design (read the three attached articles), could you present your own opinion on the true meaning of Systematic Herbalism and how it differs from a single-herb based American Native remedy? (35%)

A major difference between Systematic Herbalism and the single-herb based American Native remedy is the difference in methods. In the American Native method, there is no history, organization, or practical applications. A single herb is used for only one symptom, such as St. John Wort for depression. In the Systematic Herbalism there will be diagnosis of the patient by very old methods of classifications. The diagnosis through syndrome differentiation is aimed at bringing the person to harmony, to balance, both internal and external, addressing the root of the disease itself. In the American Native way it simply addresses one symptom only. The goal is to get rid of the symptom, not to cure the whole person and the underlying state of disease. This is also the common way in American medical doctors, basing it on symptoms, not cures, using drugs. The American Medical Association governs the drug / medical world and indirectly gave rise to the American Native herb use. They are both used in a similar way, one herb or one drug for one symptom, not curing underlying diseases.

Another way there that the Systematic Herbalism is superior in my opinion is through the designs of the formula itself. It is a balanced formula, aimed specifically at the person syndrome. The formula can contain up to four components. The Principal Herbs will treat the primary disease. The Assistant Herbs will aid the therapeutic value of the Principal Herbs and in treating the disease. The Adjuvant Herbs can play more different roles as the formulae are complex and curtailed specifically to the needs of the disease. Adjuvant Herbs can assist Principal and Assistant Herbs, or moderate any drastic effects of the other herbs. Dispatcher Herbs can take the herbs to the appropriate affected meridian and area, or integrate all of the herbs properties by being a mediator herb. It the American Native way there is no such complexity because it is not aimed properly, nor does it address the needs of the disease. Systematic Herbalism is aimed at healing the whole person and bringing them to harmony, the American Native way which is indirectly run by the AMA and pharmaceutical special interest groups, is not aimed at curing or bringing to harmony,  but to rid of one symptom and profit from diseases through dis-ease and dis-harmony.

Another point to note of difference is the vast amount of plant and flora available from the Systematic Herbalism system. Because Asia had more than one Ice Age, we are blessed by God with many plants to heal ourselves. In the American Native way we are limited in the amount of plants that have known uses. The many plants from Asia have had a very long history of study behind them, with many TCM doctors noting abilities and classification and practical applications. In the American Native medicine, we do not see such a grand history and study of the limited plants that we have in America.

In conclusion it is prudent in these times to learn what we can when we can of the Systematic Herbalism and TCM teachings. It is my opinion that the AMA and special interests groups that do not have our best interests at heart, we need to be our own healers and help our fellow man. It is a critical time; we can see that by watching the news and listening to the needs of our fellow human beings. If we can help just one person, including our families and ourselves, as well as our fellow man, we can make a world of difference. The time is now to take our healing in our own hands, away from greedy special interests, and do the right thing. All healing comes from God and we are given a choice to be in His service, or just watch the tragedy that is happening around us today.




Systematic Herbalism vs American Native Remedy                           

            A significant difference between Systematic Herbalism and the single-herb based American Native remedy is first seen in by the method. In the American Native way, there is no history, organization, or practical applications. A single herb is used for only one symptom, such as St. John Wort for depression. In the Systematic Herbalism, there will be diagnosis of the patient by very old methods of classifications. The diagnosis through syndrome differentiation is aimed at bringing the person to harmony, to balance, both internal and external, addressing the root of the disease itself. In the American Native way it simply addresses one symptom only. The goal is to get rid of the one symptom, not to cure the whole person and the underlying state of disease. This is also the common way in American medical doctors, basing it on symptoms and using drugs. The American Medical Association governs the drug / medical world and indirectly gave rise to the American Native herb use. They are both used in a similar way, one herb or one drug to one symptom, not curing underlying diseases.

          Another way in which the Systematic Herbalism is superior, in my opinion, is through the designs of the formula itself. It is a balanced formula to treat the disease directly. The Adjuvant Herbs can play more varied roles as the formulae are complete, aimed specifically at the person syndrome. The formula can contain up to four components: The Principal Herbs will treat the primary disease. The Assistant Herbs will aid the therapeutic value of the Principal Herbs as well as aid in treating ex and curtailed specifically to the needs of the disease. Adjuvant Herbs can assist Principal and Assistant Herbs, or moderate any drastic effects of the other herbs. Dispatcher Herbs can take the herbs to the appropriate affected meridian and bodily area, or integrate all of the herb's properties by being a mediator herb. It the American Native way there is no such complexity because the non-systematic approach is not aimed properly, nor does it address the needs of the disease. Systematic Herbalism is aimed at healing the whole person and bringing them to harmony. The American Native method, which is indirectly run by the AMA and pharmaceutical special interest groups, is not aimed at curing or promoting harmony, but fix solely one symptom and profit off people and diseases through dis-ease and dis-harmony.

         Another difference is the vast amount of plant and flora available from the Systematic Herbalism system. It is because Asia has had more than one Ice Age and has multiple mountain ranges producing superior types of flora; in which we were given God blessing of many choices of plants to heal ourselves with. In the American Native way we are limited in the amount of plants, and the known uses. The many plants from Asia have had a very long history of study behind them, from 16th to 11th century BC, with many TCM doctors notating abilities, classifications and practical applications from then until now. We do not see such a grand history and study of the limited plants that we have in America.

          In conclusion; it is prudent in these times to learn from the Systematic Herbalism and Traditional Chinese Medicine teachings. It is my opinion that the AMA and special interests groups do not have our best interests at heart, we need to be our own healers and help one another. If we can help just one person, ideally evolving including our families and ourselves, as well as our fellow man, we can make a world of difference. The time is now to take our healing in our own hands, away from greedy special interests, and do the right thing. All healing comes from God, and we are given a choice to be in His service, or watch tragedy unfold around us.









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