胡子太长了 (已有 3,185,634 人访问过博主空间)



作者:胡子太长了  于 2025-2-3 10:29 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



Anybody that’s against Tariffs, including the Fake News Wall Street Journal, and Hedge Funds, is only against them because these people or entities are controlled by China, or other foreign or domestic companies. Anybody that loves and believes in the United States of America is in favor of Tariffs. They should have never ended, in favor of the Income Tax System, in 1913. The response to Tariffs has been FANTASTIC!


Whatever you like Tariffs, you are totally wrong putting it on Canada.

You have torn up the USMCA agreement you signed and don't keep your international promises. At least you should abolish this agreement first, right? Otherwise, any excuse for your tax increase now won't work!

Trade deficit is not equal to subsidies! Moreover, measured from all trade transactions between the United States and Canada, Canada's annual preferential amount to the United States in the transportation of energy projects such as oil and gas has exceeded the U.S. deficit.

Illegal immigrants were opened by your former U.S. government to welcome them. Why not punish them? If the U.S. border does not allow it, it can be transported by tank, and illegal immigrants can step into the United States? When will Canada release drugs and illegal people into the United States? On the contrary, nearly 90% of gangsters and gun crimes in Canada come from the United States! How do you explain it?

Fentanyl drugs and illegal immigrants entering the United States from Canada account for less than 1% of the total! Why are you subjected to the same tariffs as Mexico? Why is it higher than your opposing country China?

Canada, as a neighbor of the United States, has been silently dedicated regardless of the cost in order to safeguarding the interests of the United States. From 911, it can take risks to open its airspace to the Meng Wanzhou incident in Huawei, when Canadian citizens were innocently detained and held hostages by China. Has the U.S. government expressed its gratitude? Has Canada asked the United States for a penny of compensation?

As a Canadian citizen, I have a positive attitude towards the merger of the United States and Canada into a large North American federation, but even for this purpose, you should do things that are more beneficial to the Canadian people and increase the attractiveness of the United States, instead, on the contrary, in the most difficult period for the Canadian people, to aggravate the disaster of the Canadian people with tariffs!! !

The tariffs on Canada will tear apart the traditional relationship between the United States and Canada, and you have angered the vast majority of high Canadians. The result you want may not be what you want. It will also bring difficulties to the American people who support you. It is certain that your support rate will inevitably drop sharply, and the stock market will answer you tomorrow and later.

I have been supporting your second presidential campaign in my blog and calling on my American readers to vote for you. But your blazen unreasonable tax increase on Canada directly subverts our common sense.

Everything between the United States and Canada should be properly handled through friendly consultation. Your actions have opened the journey of the United States and Canada to part ways. When Canada is no longer willing to pay silently for the interests of the United States, the United States is not Canada, whohas been hurt the most.

Therefore, I hope that President Trump will think deeply about the tariff policy again. Postponing or canceling is the wisest choice. When it is really put into action two days later, the decision to control all the consequences is not only for the United States.

The increase in tariffs of any country should not be increased to the United States like Canada, which is connected 24 hours a day, without strife for a hundred years, and lives are connected to the battlefield side by side internationally, transporting natural resources to the United States like colonies, like neighbors like brothers! When Canada is hurt so much that it doesn't want to continue to be a follower of the United States, the United States should fight alone. Bless President Trump and your team!


























发表评论 评论 (5 个评论)

回复 胡子太长了 2025-2-3 10:51
回复 浮平 2025-2-3 11:17
胡子太长了: 怎么上图?哪位指导指导?没图没真相


点击文档上面的小图片 icon 就行了。
回复 胡子太长了 2025-2-3 13:41

回复 浮平 2025-2-3 14:05
胡子太长了: 现在在手机中,得用电脑吗
oh。你写文章时上面有个小图片 icon 吗?
回复 胡子太长了 2025-2-3 22:52
浮平: oh。你写文章时上面有个小图片 icon 吗?

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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